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What you always wanted to know about Course Management Systems (… but didn’t know to ask ) Serge Goldstein, Princeton University CIT.

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Presentation on theme: "What you always wanted to know about Course Management Systems (… but didn’t know to ask ) Serge Goldstein, Princeton University CIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 What you always wanted to know about Course Management Systems (… but didn’t know to ask ) Serge Goldstein, Princeton University CIT

2 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Decisions, Decisions, Decisions BlackBoard, WebCT, which of these?  Features: 80/20 rule   Cost  Integration Common Issues  Courses  Faculty  Students Easy! Hard!

3 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT CourseWare at Princeton 1K Faculty, 1K courses, 4K U/1.5K G, 10K total SemesterCourseWareCourseInfoOtherTotal Fall 199600101 Spri 19970091 Fall 1997170116133 Spri 199837096133 Fall 199869087156 Spri 199904993142 Fall 1999015256208 Spri 2000018641227 Fall 2000095040990

4 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT CourseInfo 4.0 1K Faculty, 1K courses, 4K U/1.5K G, 10K total Enterprise 450/2-400, 2Gig/180 Gig, Solaris 2.6 Support: 1 Full, 2 Part, 10 TA In-Office Faculty Visits (50/semester) In-Department Staff Training Develop: 1 Programmer Perl5, MySQL Future: BlackBoard 5, PeopleSoft

5 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Why CourseInfo? Ease-of-Use, Ease-of-Use, Ease-of Use  Faculty bake-off  Stability, usability What we like:  Ease-of-use  Can muck with guts (shhhhhhh) What we don’t like:  Ugly  Not modular

6 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Course Decisions What is a Course?  Courses versus Sections versus Seminars  At what level do you create a Web site?  Course=Web site? Section=Web site?  Registrar (for-credit), non-Registrar  Who gets to create course?  Naming conventions  Who gets to list courses?  Non-course use. Who owns a course?  How much work do you do? Does faculty do?  Copyright!  Access restrictions (Faculty buy-in)

7 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Course Decisions When does a Course start?  Faculty prep time  When do faculty get back to campus?  Offline faculty access (disable student access)  Student enrollment  When in Course? When in site?  Pre-enrollment activities  Surveys  Marketing/Sales When does a Course end?  What happens to the Course? Course Data?  What happens to the Students? Student data?  Archive? Re-cycle (copyright issues)?

8 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Faculty Decisions Who are the faculty?  University ID? Visiting?  Jointly taught with other Institution? What can faculty do?  Create courses?  Naming conventions  Enroll students?  Policy (What is a student?) What can be done to protect faculty?  Email overload!  Too much work  Automate!!!! Prebuild!!!!

9 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Student Decisions Who are the students?  Incoming? Outgoing?  Auditors? (ID?)  Other Institutions? (ID?) What can students do?  Edit site?  Submit work?  Chat … not just for distance ed. When deleted?  What happens to work?  Ownership? Pictures!

10 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Conclusions Before you buy:  Know how courses REALLY work at your institution!  Most IT, and MANY FACULTY don’t.  Know what faculty really need, not just what they say they want.  Watch them teach.  Talk to students.  Know what students really need, not just what they say they want.  Talk to Faculty, Deans, Advisors.

11 January 11, 2000 CSG Duke University Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton U. CIT Conclusions Gotchas:  Large-enrollment course issues:  Unmanageable lists.  Is it better than email?  Enrollment/Unenrollment  Delete nothing! Inactivate.  Ownership!  Access restrictions  Open access (no login possible)?  Important to your faculty?

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