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WinS for Girls: Advocacy and Capacity Building for MHM in WinS Module 4: Planning MHM Research.

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Presentation on theme: "WinS for Girls: Advocacy and Capacity Building for MHM in WinS Module 4: Planning MHM Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 WinS for Girls: Advocacy and Capacity Building for MHM in WinS Module 4: Planning MHM Research

2 WinS for Girls2 Throughout the course you will see: Questions in Red When there are questions in red, we pause from the course lecture so all can participate and add responses or ideas in the chat window Questions in Green When there are questions in green, we will not pause from the course lecture, but all are still welcome to add responses or ideas in the chat window WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Cues to Participate

3 At the end of the session participants should be able to: 1.Understand what a research plan is, why it is important, and what should be considered when devising it. 2.Know and apply the steps for developing a research plan. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Learning Objectives WinS for Girls3

4 4 Research Plan Blueprint to the work you will be carrying out Valuable because: Breaks down the research into discrete, sequential steps Critical for writing Ethics protocol Will inform methods section of final reports WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan?

5 WinS for Girls5 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan? What other resources have been useful to you? What other resources may be useful to you? -Informal interviews with key stakeholders -Review of school science or health books -etc. Research Plan informed by: General literature and relevant resources – Papers, reports, local school curricula, policy and programmatic initiatives, etc.

6 WinS for Girls6 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan? Previous assignments (‘lit reviews’) were designed to give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge. By now, your research team should be familiar with local and global research on the topic. You should be able to identify what other resources you need to seek out and what gaps you have in your knowledge that you need to fill. Research Plan informed by: General literature and relevant resources – Papers, reports, local school curricula, policy and programmatic initiatives, etc.

7 WinS for Girls7 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan? Research Plan informed by: General literature and relevant resources – Papers, reports, local school curricula, policy and programmatic initiatives, etc. Local Context – What is already known locally? – Any areas where information is available? – Any areas where information is not? Research Purpose – What do you hope to do with findings? – Target audience? Theory – What theoretical approaches will help to structure the research?

8 WinS for Girls8 Notes from the Field: Sierra Leone Key Information for the Research Plan 1. Literature -Government has policies to protect girls’ education -No direct discussion of MHM in policies -Research in rural Sierra Leone: 10% of menstruating girls reported absenteeism -Of those that were absent, common reasons: -fear, -concern about leakage, -shame, -lack of water, -lack of place to clean, -lack of disposal WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan?

9 WinS for Girls9 Notes from the Field: Sierra Leone Key Information for the Research Plan 2. Local Context: -Research conducted in rural Sierra Leone ONLY -No Research in Urban areas -No Information about girls no longer in school 3. Research Purpose - Compliment research already carried out in rural areas -Further inform: -Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology -Ministry of Health and Sanitation -Provide programmatic recommendations to improve girls’ experiences and reduce challenges WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan?

10 WinS for Girls10 Notes from the Field: Sierra Leone Key Information for the Research Plan 4. Theory USE SOCIAL ECOLOGICAL MODEL -To understand girls experiences amid larger context -To know the many potential influences on behavior -To identify different places to intervene WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan What is a Research Plan?

11 WinS for Girls11 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan 1. Define problem statement 2. Define research objectives 4. Outline key research questions 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering questions 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods 6. Determine sampling plan 8. Analyze Data 9. Consider implications of findings for local context *Recommendations where research done 10. Consider broader implications *National-level Advocacy, Policy, Programs; *impact on global knowledge 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) 3. Define research population and setting

12 WinS for Girls12 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan 4. Outline key research questions 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering questions 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods 6. Determine sampling plan 8. Analyze Data 9. Consider implications of findings for local context *Recommendations where research done 10. Consider broader implications *National-level Advocacy, Policy, Programs; *impact on global knowledge 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) Preparation More General 3. Define research population and setting 1. Define problem statement 2. Define research objectives

13 WinS for Girls13 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan 3. Define research population and setting 4. Outline key research questions 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering questions 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods 6. Determine sampling plan 8. Analyze Data 9. Consider implications of findings for local context *Recommendations where research done 10. Consider broader implications *National-level Advocacy, Policy, Programs; *impact on global knowledge 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) Key Methods More Specific 1. Define problem statement 2. Define research objectives

14 WinS for Girls14 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan 4. Outline key research questions 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering questions 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods 6. Determine sampling plan 8. Analyze Data 9. Consider implications of findings for local context *Recommendations where research done 10. Consider broader implications *National-level Advocacy, Policy, Programs; *impact on global knowledge 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) Application More General 3. Define research population and setting 1. Define problem statement 2. Define research objectives

15 WinS for Girls15 1. Define a Problem Statement What is the issue that you hope to address? State it explicitly. This can be a simple summary of what knowledge is needed. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

16 WinS for Girls16 1. Define a Problem Statement WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan In the four-country study, our general problem statement was: There is limited understanding about the range of challenges girls face at school at the onset of menstruation, why they experiences these challenges, and what they need to ameliorate these challenges. Additionally, there is limited understanding of whether or not these challenges are similar or different across contexts. Having limited knowledge of girls experiences during menstruation globally limits the ability of practitioners to make evidence-based, programmatic recommendations.

17 WinS for Girls17 1. Define a Problem Statement *Problem statement more specific for each country. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan In the Bolivia, our problem statement was: There has been no research conducted to understand girls experiences of menstruation in the school setting in Bolivia. Without any understanding of girls experiences, it is impossible to know if girls face challenges when managing mensuration. If they do experience challenges, the lack of knowledge does not make it possible to advise on policy or programs for girls related to menstruation. There is a need to understand girls experiences so that recommendations can be made if needed.

18 WinS for Girls18 2. Define the Research Objectives What is it you specifically hope to learn through your research? What do you hope to achieve as a result of carrying out the research? Objectives should directly address issues identified in the Problem Statement. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

19 WinS for Girls19 2. Define the Research Objectives WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan In the four-country study, our research objectives were: 1. To investigate and understand the scope of challenges faced by school girls during menstruation—as well as the determinants of those challenges—across a range of settings and cultural contexts; 2. To compare and contrast the varied challenges and determinants across cultural contexts to identify points of intervention that may ameliorate the challenges of menstruation for girls in schools; 3. To inform a set of school-based recommendations that can be implemented and sustained at scale across a range of settings.

20 WinS for Girls20 2. Define the Research Objectives *Research objectives more specific for each country. In the Bolivia, our research objectives were: 1. To investigate and understand the scope of challenges faced by school girls during menstruation—as well as the determinants of those challenges—in Bolivia. 3. To inform a set of school-based recommendations that are specific to the needs of girls in Bolivia where research is conducted. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

21 WinS for Girls21 3. Define research population and setting What is the primary population that you will be focusing on? -This does not include all of the people you will talk with, but the primary focus of the research. What are the specific settings you will be working with? -Where will research be applicable to? WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

22 WinS for Girls22 3. Define research population and setting In the four-country study, our population and setting was: School-aged girls who had already experienced menstruation in Bolivia, the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. **Still somewhat broad so populations can be more specifically defined by each country. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

23 WinS for Girls23 3. Define research population and setting *Research populations and settings more specific for each country. *Responsive to specific needs of each country. Specific populations and settings: Bolivia: Primary school girls who had already experienced menstruation in the Tacopaya and Independencia regions of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Sierra Leone: School-aged girls in Urban Freetown, including those in Christian and Muslim schools and those no longer attending school. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

24 WinS for Girls24 4. Outline Specific Research Questions These are the primary questions you will answer through research. These should be reflect the objectives previously outlined. These should be specific to the population and setting identified. Your research activities will be designed to directly answer these questions. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

25 WinS for Girls25 4. Outline Specific Research Questions In the four-country study, our specific research questions were: 1.What menstruation-related challenges do girls in Bolivia, the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone face at school? 2.Why do girls in Bolivia, the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone face these challenges at school? 3.What can be done in Bolivia, the Philippines, Rwanda and Sierra Leone to ameliorate these challenges? WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

26 WinS for Girls26 4. Outline Specific Research Questions *Research questions more specific for each country. *Responsive to specific needs of each country. Bolivia-Specific research questions: 1.What menstruation-related challenges do primary school girls in Tacopaya and Independencia Bolivia face at school? 2.Why do primary school girls in Tacopaya and Independencia Bolivia these challenges at school? 3.What can be done in Tacopaya and Independencia Bolivia to ameliorate these challenges? WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

27 WinS for Girls27 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering research questions Methods should always be selected after the research questions are defined. Methods should be selected based on ability to answer questions. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

28 WinS for Girls28 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering research questions WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan In the four-country study: 1.We primarily used qualitative methods to answer our defined research questions. 2.Qualitative methods allow for more in-depth understanding of complex and sensitive issues from the perspective of participants than quantitative methods. 3.We used the Social Ecological Model (SEM) to inform our selection of methods *We will discuss the qualitative and quantitative methods in more depth during module 5.

29 WinS for Girls29 *Multiple levels of influence may impact individual behavior and experience. *Primary factors that influence both positive and negative behavior may be outside of the responsibility of the individual. *Interaction across levels: Changes at the societal level may impact the individual. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

30 Societal Factors  Policy, Tradition, Cultural Beliefs, Social Norms  Desk review: School, Gender, WASH Policies Curriculum, Teacher training standards Country-Specific reports  Key Informant Interviews with Gov. Officials, NGO Staff Policies and Initiatives in Progress Priorities for funding, programming  Discussions / Interviews with Girls, Teachers, Moms, Boys: Cultural attitudes, Myths, Norms, Beliefs WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

31 Societal Factors  Policy, Tradition, Cultural Beliefs, Social Norms Environmental Factors  School Water, Sanitation, & Resource Availability  Observations in Schools/ Communities Selected: WASH conditions Availability & cost of sanitary napkins  Interviews with Teachers: School conditions & availability of resources at school Government assistance for resources Role of teachers related to MHM, puberty, WASH Issues  Discussions with Girls: Perceptions about their school environment WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

32 Societal Factors  Policy, Tradition, Cultural Beliefs, Social Norms Environmental Factors  School Water, Sanitation, & Resource Availability Interpersonal Factors  Influence of Family, Teachers, Peers  Discussions with Girls, Teachers, Moms, Boys: Roles differences/changes post- menarche Relationships with family, peers, teachers Support WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

33 Societal Factors  Policy, Tradition, Cultural Beliefs, Social Norms Environmental Factors  School Water, Sanitation, & Resource Availability Interpersonal Factors  Influence of Family, Teachers, Peers Personal Factors  Girl’s Knowledge, Skills, Beliefs  Discussions with Girls: Current knowledge about menstruation Needs, Coping mechanisms, Behavioral Adaptations Attitudes and beliefs about menstruation Self-Efficacy WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

34 Societal Factors  Policy, Tradition, Cultural Beliefs, Social Norms Environmental Factors  School Water, Sanitation, & Resource Availability Interpersonal Factors  Influence of Family, Teachers, Peers Personal Factors  Girl’s Knowledge, Skills, Beliefs Biological Factors  Physical experience, Pain  Individual interviews with Girls: Personal experience: pain, flow, emotions WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

35 WinS for Girls35 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering research questions WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan In each individual country: The actual methods for answering the research questions varied, including: -The type of activities -The number of activities -Who was engaged in each activity Methods varied because the research questions were slightly different in each country, based on overall problem statement and research objectives.

36 36 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan BoliviaPhilippinesRwanda Sierra Leone Total Schools Visited101388 FGDSGirls in school 121388 Girls not in school 0002 Boys 5740 Mothers 4240 Teachers 2220 IDIsGirls in school 112416 Girls NOT in school 0054 KIIsHead Teachers/ Teachers 17201816 Health Workers 4000 Total Activities Completed 65636546 Total Participants Involved 157126161113 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering research questions

37 WinS for Girls37 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering research questions In Module 5, we will discuss qualitative and quantitative methods. In Modules 6 and 7, we will discuss the different tools we utilized to carry out research, as well as some tools used by other researchers. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

38 WinS for Girls38 6. Determine Sampling Plan Based on your defined research questions and proposed methods, you will need to determine sampling plan. For your ethics protocol, you will need to be very specific about: -The number of schools/communities you will visit -The number of activities to be carried out overall and in each location -The total number of individual to be engage -How and why you have selected schools/communities/individuals WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

39 WinS for Girls39 6. Determine Sampling Plan Key Considerations 1. Start at ‘higher level’ first. a. Identify geographical regions. b. Identify communities or schools to visit in geographical areas c. Identify individuals within communities or schools. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan Country A Region 1 Region 2 Country A Region 1 Region 2 School

40 WinS for Girls40 6. Determine Sampling Plan Key Considerations 2. To make comparisons (between regions, between schools), should have three units to compare. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan Country A Region 1 Region 2 In other words, if you want to compare schools in Region 1 and Region 2, it is advised that data are collected from 3-4 similar schools in each region.

41 WinS for Girls41 6. Determine Sampling Plan Key Considerations 3. Many factors influence the number of regions, schools, activities, and individuals involved in research. What are some factors that should be considered when determining how many schools to visit or how many girls to interview? WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

42 WinS for Girls42 6. Determine Sampling Plan Key Considerations 3. Many factors influence the number of regions, schools, activities, and individuals involved in research. – Amount of Data generated – Time to collect data – Time to analyze data – Personnel available – Access to communities, schools, individuals – Saturation of data – Research funding WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan If you collect data, you are ethically obligated to analyze it thoroughly! Total Schools visited in: Bolivia: 10 Philippines: 13 Rwanda: 8 Sierra Leone: 8

43 WinS for Girls43 6. Determine Sampling Plan In qualitative research, we generally use purposive sampling. - Select information-rich cases strategically and purposefully -Not random -Intentional selection based on pre-determined criteria i.e. menstrual status, sex, grade, age, school attendence WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

44 WinS for Girls44 6. Determine Sampling Plan WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan TypeDefinitionExample 1. Typical case sampling Illustrate what is typical, normal average i.e. Typical girl. From general population of those that fit broad criteria 2. Extreme or deviant cases Learning from unusual cases of interest i.e. Top of the class/never absent vs. dropouts/chronically absent. May need help identifying. 3. Criterion sampling Cases meet specific conditions i.e. Only use pads; got period very young/old; never got period, etc. 4. Snowball or chain sampling Identify cases of interest from other cases For populations that are hard to find, like girls who dropped out because of teasing. May know others who did the same so you can then find them. 5. Emergent Sampling New leads based on what is learned during fieldwork From ongoing research, you may learn about an unexpected behavior or practice and decide to seek more of those people.

45 WinS for Girls45 6. Determine Sampling Plan This is a complicated part of the research plan. We will provide feedback and work with you on this to make sure your proposed strategies are feasible and well explained. WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

46 WinS for Girls46 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods To be discussed in Modules 8 and 9 8. Analyze data To be discussed in Module 11 9. Consider implications of findings for local context To be discussed in Module 11 10. Consider broader implications To be discussed in Module 11 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) To be discussed in Module 10, 11, and 12 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan

47 WinS for Girls47 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Key Steps to a Research Plan - SUMMARY 1. Define problem statement 2. Define research objectives 4. Outline key research questions 5. Identify appropriate methodologies for answering questions 7. Carry out data collection according to defined methods 6. Determine sampling plan 8. Analyze Data 9. Consider implications of findings for local context *Recommendations where research done 10. Consider broader implications *National-level Advocacy, Policy, Programs; *impact on global knowledge 11. Disseminate Findings (local, national, global) 3. Define research population and setting

48 WinS for Girls48 WinS for Girls Module 4: MHM Research Plan Templates and Tools Document NameFile NameDescription Desk Review TemplateModule_4_form_1 Template for organizing papers regarding relevant research topics. Users can summarize key information about the text, a citation, as well as a critique of the study. Contact Spreadsheet TemplateModule_4_form_3 Template for keeping track of interactions with key stakeholders. Includes contact information, meeting dates and objectives as well as follow up dates. Government Official Stakeholder Meeting Report TemplateModule_4_form_5 Tool with prompts and questions to ensure that visits to government officials or external partners are well planned prior to the meeting and that new information learned is captured after the fact. Conducting a Desk ReviewModule_4_form_2 This document outlines the importance of a desk review and provides guidance on how to conduct a desk review. Explanation of MHM Research TemplateModule_4_form_4 One page template that describes the purpose of the research, project objectives and outputs

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