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CHOLERA is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholera, in contaminated water.

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2 CHOLERA is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholera, in contaminated water.

3 Have you noticed anyone around you displaying excessive vomiting?

4 Have you been feeling weak and thirsty to the point of dehydration?

5 Are you experiencing severe stomach cramps? Diarrhea?

6 If your answer is yes to those questions, you potentially have cholera

7 How to care for cholera: If anyone you know is infected, be sure to move them to fresh air and better atmospherically conditions Treatment include immediate rehydration and anti-biotics. Simple precautions like hand washing, drinking clean water, and having proper sewage maintenance and control can save as many as 5,000 deaths annually while at the same time preventing the spread of the disease.

8 CHOLERA This is a public service health announcement ( PSHA) By Charles Egbuna. Reference m/

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