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“Aspire together, achieve together”. Year 9 Options Evening 21 st January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "“Aspire together, achieve together”. Year 9 Options Evening 21 st January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Aspire together, achieve together”

2 Year 9 Options Evening 21 st January 2016

3 “Aspire together, achieve together” Mr Rob Wagland Deputy Headteacher

4 “Aspire together, achieve together” Mrs Sarah Dalton Assistant Headteacher

5 “Aspire together, achieve together” GCSEs in the news

6 “Aspire together, achieve together” GCSEs in the news 'Academic grounding' From September, all pupils will have to study English, a language, maths, science and history or geography at GCSE, in the EBacc. Those schools that do not have 100% of pupils studying this set of subjects as part of their GCSE courses will not be able to obtain Ofsted's top rating of "outstanding”.

7 “Aspire together, achieve together” Core Curriculum English 2 GCSEs Maths 1 GCSE Science 2 GCSEs Physical Ed. Religious Studies 1 GCSE PSHEE 70% of timetable 6 qualifications for most Options 231 30% of timetable 3 qualifications for most

8 “Aspire together, achieve together” There are 24 options to choose your 3 from Options 231 Single Option ChoicesNo.No. Art and Design GCSE BTEC Business First Business Studies GCSE Child Development GCSE Computer Science GCSE (entry requirement = level 6 in Maths) Dance GCSE Design & Technology GCSE - Resistant Materials Technology Design & Technology GCSE - Product Design Drama GCSE French GCSE Geography GCSE History GCSE Food and Nutrition GCSE ICT GCSE Media Studies GCSE Music GCSE Music Technology BTEC First Certificate Physical Education GCSE Spanish GCSE Sport BTEC First Certificate 21 st Century Science Triple Award GCSE (entry requirement = level 6 in Science) Supported Study (Entry Level) Vocational Studies – work skills Vocational Studies – employability (you must choose work skills as well)

9 “Aspire together, achieve together” If you know what you want to do in the future… Start from the Entry requirements for your chosen career, college or university. Pick the subjects you need first. Then consider what else you enjoy and are good at.

10 “Aspire together, achieve together” If you know you want to go to university but don’t know what you want to study… The following ‘facilitating’ subjects are highly valued by Admissions Tutors for most courses: Maths Physics Biology Chemistry History Geography Modern or ancient languages English Literature For further education in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths the following options subjects are considered useful: Product Design Design Technology ICT Computing Science Sciences

11 “Aspire together, achieve together” If you have no idea what you want to do in the future… Attend a careers appointment to get some impartial advice Choose a range of different subject areas to keep your options in later life open Talk to your subject teachers to see if they think you’d enjoy their subject and that you would do well

12 “Aspire together, achieve together” Mr Claire Rush Head of Year 9

13 “Aspire together, achieve together” What NEXT? Key Dates: Parents’ Evening - Thursday 3 rd March Initial Options Form Returned - Friday 11 th March Return Final Options Form -April 2016 Choices Confirmed -May 2016

14 “Aspire together, achieve together”

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