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2.05 Collect secondary marketing data to ensure accuracy and adequacy of information for decision-making.

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1 2.05 Collect secondary marketing data to ensure accuracy and adequacy of information for decision-making

2 Search the Internet for sport/event marketing information

3 INTERNET: IMPORTANT SOURCE of Secondary Marketing Information Main way that SEM organizations obtain useful marketing information (MI) Vast amount of information available online relating to SEM.

4 INTERNET DATABASES for SEM MI Government Census: – Demographic Information (Population, age ranges, salaries) Example: League’s expansion team in a specific area wants to look at DEMOGRAPHICS to see if team will be successful Local Chamber of Commerce Website – Demographic Information and Business Information Sports Business Research Network:

5 INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS for SEM MI Online Trade Magazines Advertising Agencies Licensors and Licensees Search Engines

6 Use of Internet for SEM MI If starting a new team, business or franchise: – Demographic Information (Government Census) Does it represent Target Market? – Local Business Information (Chamber of Commerce) Will local businesses be supportive? (Sponsorships)

7 Internet MI STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES Information is current/updated often Paperless Research Texts Low to no cost Search Engines VAST information Too much information Not always accurate Many times information is bias

8 Describe steps for developing a search strategy. 1. WHAT are we looking for 2. WHERE can the information be found – Specific databases, News media, etc. 3. HOW to extract the information – Identify search terms – Organize and rank findings 4. HOW WELL: search process accuracy

9 “You Do” On your own or with your partner you will do the following: 1.Choose one of the following: – New Soccer League Expansion Team – 2016 Olympics (Cannot be Brazil) 2.Identify your target market using the following demographics: – Age range, % Male/Female 3.Locate the best country (other than USA) for your team/event based on which represents the most percentage of your target market. 4.Explain why you chose this country- may also include cultural reasons (example: “This country has many sports fans based on current team/event popularity”) 5.Create a short PPT 6.Present to the Class

10 Monitor internal records for marketing information

11 TECHNIQUES FOR MONITORING Internal Records Internal Records: – Personal company Information not often public Monitoring Internal Records: – Accurate – Regularly Monitored

12 GUIDELINES FOR MONITORING Internal Records WHAT records to monitor: – SALES INVOICES: Records with CUSTOMER PROFILES Identify Target Markets – SALES REPORTS and ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE REPORTS MI about the goods that a business sells – Analyzes which products sold well and which did not – COMMENT CARDS for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Who monitors: Accountants and Marketing Managers How Often to monitor: REGULARILY – Analyze product performance

13 PROCEDURES FOR MONITORING Internal Records 1.Keep ACCURATE records 2.Identify what records to monitor 3.Assign WHO will monitor 4.Decide HOW OFTEN to monitor 5.Evaluate records 6.Make decisions

14 Maintain a database of competitor information

15 Competitor Database Ways to use: – Gather information about competitors – COMPETITIVE pricing – ADVERTISING decisions Components that need to be maintained: – PRICE LISTS: Know what competitors charge for products Helps organization to price its products COMPETITIVELY – ADVERTISING MEDIA used by competitors: Prevent using the same media dominated by a competitor – Newspapers, radio stations, etc.

16 STEPS IN MAINTAINING Competitor Database “Four C’s” 1.COLLECT the information 2.CONVERT information into intelligence – Make it useful to your business (pricing, advertising, etc.) 3.COMMUNICATE the intelligence 4.COUNTER competitor actions = BE COMPETITIVE

17 Internal RecordsCompetitor Database Sales Invoices: Dictates that your team’s target market is 81% Male, 19% Female, Ages 27-52 Sales Reports: The most sold merchandise at games and in retail stores are your team’s jerseys Comment Cards about home games: Strengths at home game attendance- Comfortable seats and good concessions Weaknesses: Can’t see scoreboard and not enough box seats. Price Lists: Jersey:$69.99 for Jersey (Men), $49.99 (Women) and $29.99 (Kids) Advertising Media: Radio Commercials 3x a day, every day from 6am-6pm on 96.1 FM and 10.29 FM during football season. One-Page ads in Sports Illustrated every issue all year One-Page ads in local newspaper every Sunday during football season

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