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Introduction to Maths Methods 1 &2 November, 2015.

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1 Introduction to Maths Methods 1 &2 November, 2015

2 Areas of study  Functions and graphs  Algebra  Calculus  Probability and Statistics

3 3 Outcomes On completion of the two units the student should be able to: Outcome 1 define and explain key concepts as specified in the content from the areas of study, and apply a range of related mathematical routines and procedures. Outcome 2 apply mathematical processes in non-routine contexts, including situations requiring problem- solving, modelling or investigative techniques or approaches, and analyse and discuss these applications of mathematics. Outcome 3 use numerical, graphical, symbolic and statistical functionalities of technology to develop mathematical ideas, produce results and carry out analysis in situations requiring problem- solving, modelling or investigative techniques or approaches.

4 Timeline Sem 1 Unit 1 No. of weeks Ch 1 & 2Linear functions 2 Ch 3Quadratics 3 Ch 4Gallery of graphs 2 Ch 5Functions & relations 2 Ch 6Polynomials 2 Ch 7Transformations Matrices 3 Ch 13Exponentials & Logarithms 3 Review for Unit 1 Exams 1 Sem 2 Unit 2 No. of weeks Ch 14Circular Functions 3 Ch 16Rates of change 2 Ch 17, 18 & 20 Differentiation & Antidifferentiation 5 Ch 9Probability 2 Ch 10Counting Methods 1 Review for Unit 2 Exams 1

5 Outcome tasks  Chapter exercises  You need to complete at least 80% of outcome tasks of each topic A list of exercises for each topic will be provided.

6 Outcome Tests  There are 10 outcome tests plus analysis tasks  Each test may include TWO sections  Tech Active and/or Tech Free  Up to 60 minutes  After school or in class  Analysis tasks may be up to 45 minutes to be done in class.

7 Units 1 & 2 Exams Exam 1 – TECH FREE (15 + 60 min) Exam 2 – TECH ACTIVE (15 + 90 min)

8 Want an “S” not an “N”? You need to: complete at least 80% of outcome tasks. pass at least 40% of each outcome test and analysis task. have at least 90% attendance.

9 Absent from a lesson? Be responsible for your own learning. Catch up with the lesson yourself Chase up your teacher or any member of the MM1&2 teaching team for assistance.

10 Miss an outcome test or analysis task? Bring A medical certificate. Or A relevant certificate. Do the test at an arranged time.

11 Failure to satisfy the outcome requirements above A form of “ Non-completion of outcome” will be sent home. Resit the tests. May cause you to drop 0ut of the subject!

12 Essential Resources A textbook: Cambridge Maths Methods 1 &2 (2015 AC/VCE edition – Evans) A CAS calculator Workbooks to be used in and after class

13 Useful resources Additional resources: Revision chapters Other textbooks Cambridge VCE Check points VCE Study Notes past outcome tests Useful websites: Moodle Compass

14 Outcome test notifications A notification will be issued at the beginning of the topic.

15 Outcome test 1 notification 2016 Outcome Test 1_Linear functions NOTIFICATION.docx

16 An important message Chapters 1& 2 PDFs and answers are now on Moodle/Headsart/ Year10 - Year11 headstart The Link


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