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After going through their source response and getting them to self mark I started on this. Got them to consider the idea that Communism was born from industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "After going through their source response and getting them to self mark I started on this. Got them to consider the idea that Communism was born from industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 After going through their source response and getting them to self mark I started on this. Got them to consider the idea that Communism was born from industrial etc to try and get them to pose the qu that why is it going to be popular in China. With that qu in mind they read fanshen and took notes, then I set them the reading on the GMD failings / CCP victory for HW. I will photocopy the pages for you as I gave the kids the books.

2 Why did the CCP win the Civil War? LO: to assess the CCPs strengths V the GMDs weaknesses.

3 What do you know about Communism? Karl Marx Proletariat Socialism Ownership of the means of production Industrialisation

4 Reading: Fanshen Read the extract from Fanshen. Take notes on what the Peasants were complaining about in the 1940s. Keep in mind the bigger question: why is the CCP going to appeal. Key fact: In the 1940s the CCP had control of an area of China known as Shanxi. It was here that they implemented land reforms.

5 Homework: Research 1s: Nationalist (GMD) failings. Use Lynch p.140 – 147 to take notes on the GMD failings. 2s: Communist (CCP) strengths. Use Lynch p. 148 – 151 to take notes on the CCP victories. Due: 07/10 – be ready to feedback to your partner


7 CCP strengths / GMD weakness? CCP StrengthsGMD weaknesses Read through the hand out first. Use Lynch p.140  to add further info / understanding. THEN: complete the table with your explanations while prioritising the factors. EXT: Try and link factors together to show where they have an impact on each other.

8 GMD Failings Social problems: Conscription Treatment of peasants (e.g. tax) Failure to appeal to the masses NRA: Corrupt Nepotism Conscription Leader: Impatient Economy Japan – inability to deal with CCP Strengths Mao – leader: Dominates party – strong PLA Use of resources PLA: Propaganda Discipline Defeats/strong Peasants: Low taxes Treat with respect

9 Did the CCP win or did the GMD lose?

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