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The Rise of Hitler Hitler was also a World War I veteran.

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1 The Rise of Hitler Hitler was also a World War I veteran

2 Hitler was also enraged over the peace settlement following World War I

3 Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party in 1919 “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte” He led an uprising against the German government…which only landed him in jail

4 While jailed, he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf (published 1925) in which he discussed: – Nazi philosophy – Problems of Germany – Plans for the nation

5 In time, the Nazi party was the largest group in the Reichstag, and as a result, Hitler became a key leader in the German state – Chancellor (1933)

6 Once in power legally, he silenced opposition, suspended civil liberties, and convinced the government to give him dictatorial powers (the Enabling Act)

7 The Third Reich and Aryanism The Third Reich was supposed to be the most powerful and longest lasting German power 1 st Reich – (900s-1806) 2 nd Reich – (1871-1918) 3 rd Reich – (1933--?)

8 Oratory and propaganda – “racial- nationalism” – Darwinian racial struggle

9 The Aryan race (Hitler’s perspective) refers to pure- blooded people who are seen as being at the top of the white race

10 Hitler’s propaganda viewed Aryans in the following ways:

11 Aryans in their ideal state were blond-haired, blue-eyed German men and women…

12 However, what was most important was that you had pure German blood – Schutzstaffel

13 The “Untermensch” are those people who are not of pure blood – “subhuman”

14 Hitler sees a war between the races as inevitable and desirable

15 Hitler believed he would be the savior of Germany and the world

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