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World War II as a Total War. The Role of Civilians In World War II civilians counted for only one- twentieth of the war dead. It was because of the new.

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1 World War II as a Total War

2 The Role of Civilians In World War II civilians counted for only one- twentieth of the war dead. It was because of the new weaponry.

3 Deportation and Genocide Hitler believed that certain races were “subhuman”. Hitler wanted more space for the Greater German Reich. Many Poles and Russians were deported to the factories and mines of the Third Reich. The transportation of the Jews from across Europe to concentration camps.

4 Three million Jews were killed. The genocidal Japanese treatment of the Chinese in the “rape of Nanjing” “Purification-by-elimination” operations in Singapore.

5 Civilians as part of the war effort Civilians were mobilized in all countries to help with the war effort. Britain, women played a bigger role in agriculture and administration. Germany, having women in the workplace went against Hitler's idea about the women.

6 Soviet Union, workers were trasladed in which they were more needed, women served in the armed forces. America, women did semi-skilled job, many women joined uniformed groups. Japan, the government was reluctant to use women in the work force.

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