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 A LCPS French Teacher since 2007  My 9 th year at SHMS, taught 1year at LCHS  Previously taught French to elementary, middle and high school students.

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Presentation on theme: " A LCPS French Teacher since 2007  My 9 th year at SHMS, taught 1year at LCHS  Previously taught French to elementary, middle and high school students."— Presentation transcript:


2  A LCPS French Teacher since 2007  My 9 th year at SHMS, taught 1year at LCHS  Previously taught French to elementary, middle and high school students in private and charter schools in VA, DC, NJ and MA.  MA in Intercultural Relations; BA in French  Studied, travelled and/or lived in France, Quebec and Morocco  Enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, gardening and practicing yoga

3  This course will be conducted in French, and English when necessary. In accordance with the National Standards of Learning Language (the 5 C’s), students will: 1.Learn to use French in real-life settings (Communities) 2.Demonstrate an understanding of francophone cultures (Culture) 3.Incorporate interdisciplinary learning (Connections) 4.Make comparisons between their cultures and languages and French- speaking cultures and the French language (Comparison) 5.All the while communicating in French (Communication)  Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a high school foreign language credit.  For a detailed description, click on “Curriculum Guides” on the following LCPS site: ◦

4 Advanced Studies Diploma for college requires:  3 years of one language  2 years of 2 different languages  If students take French I in 7th grade, they can take AP French in their senior year. County-wide assessments:  -CPA speaking and writing assessments  -Benchmark assessments (January & June)


6 I would like to re-take the ________________ quiz / test. My grade on the original assessment was ________. The reason I need to complete a retake is… Please answer the following statements and add any additional comments as needed: ◦ I have completed test corrections. Yes ____No _____I need help, please _____ ◦ I have completed all preceding activities (i.e. homework/practice activities leading up to this assessment). Yes____No _____I need help, please _____ ◦ I need re-teaching and extra practice – I’m confused about this topic. Yes____No _____ ◦ I understand the topic but more study time is all I need to prepare for this retake. (Student must show 3+ on all preceding formative activities) Yes____No _____ I will come in for re-teaching Thursday after-school in Room B3 on ____________ (give date) I will come in for re-take (Only if I am completely ready) During my _____ block Resource Class on ____________ Thursday after-school in Room B3 on ____________ Parent Signature: _____________________ Date: _______ My child has permission to stay with Mme Duma on the date(s) indicated above.

7 RESPECTFUL RAYS: For helping the class!  10 = 2 boxes of tissues  5 = a packet of large dry erase markers for classroom use  5 = a packet of lined notebook paper PHOENIX “GOOD NEWS” COMMENTS: For improved academics or behavior SUPPLÉMENTAIRE / FORMATIVE EXTRA CREDIT: Students can earn 1 additional respectful rays for every correct formative extra credit question that they answer on quizzes and tests.

8 Block:Class:  A1French I  A2Planning  A3French I  A4French II  B5French I  B6French II  B7Planning  B8French I After-school French = Wedndesdays; 3:30 – 4:23PM - Room #B15 CONTACT INFORMATION:  Mme Duma  Webpage:  Email: (preferred method)  SHMS phone: 703-957-4420 (please leave a message) 

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