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Presentation on theme: "By: Hodan M. & Brittney S. GIMME SHELTER MOVIE ANALYSIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW Gimme Shelter (2013) is a drama based on a true story. Agnes "Apple" Bailey flees from her abusive and drug-addicted mother in order to find a better environment that provides safety. She only knew of one other address, which happened to be her father's address... Whom she has never met. Once arriving at the house, she faces many troubles. Her troubles include a step-mother that is unwelcoming to her and unwilling to integrate her into her family, almost getting arrested, and finding out that she's pregnant. Her father and his wife persuade Apple into getting an abortion, trying to convince her that she is not capable of being a mother at this time in her life. She doesn't follow through with the abortion, and ends up fleeing the facility and not returning 'home'. Soon enough, she encounters a pimp, steals his car, crashes it, and ends up in the hospital. In the hospital, she receives treatment, as well as meets the priest of the hospital, who eventually finds her a shelter for pregnant teenagers in similar situations as her. While at the shelter, she meets a group of girls who will become her family, since they actually accepted her for who she was. Apple's mom throughout the movie tries to bring her back into her home, but is unsuccessful. When Apple finds herself at the shelter, she makes amends with her father, gives birth to her baby girl, and decides to remain in the shelter instead of living with her father.

3 SOCIAL-CONFLICT APPROACH A framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change.

4 GIMME SHELTER Apple faces inequality because of her background and responsibility as a teenage mother. She does not get the same opportunities as other people her age, and others view her as a ‘troubled child’. This gives her plenty of difficulty.

5 CAUSE AND EFFECT A relationship in which change in one variable (the independent variable) causes change in another (the dependent variable).

6 GIMME SHELTER Apple's attitude is the independent variable in this situation, and it changes drastically from the beginning of the movie to the end. The dependent variable is her baby and her new life ahead of her. Her attitude is changed by the preacher and by the other young moms she lives with at her home, which automatically makes her think of things differently; especially where she wants to end up in life

7 MORES Norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance.

8 GIMME SHELTER Parents in general should have your best interests at heart and should always take care of you and put your needs before their own and raise you, but this is not apparent in Apples life which is why she runs away from both her mother and her fathers home and only in the end does her father begin to actually take on the appropriate role and love her.

9 SUBCULTURE Based on differences in interests and life experiences.

10 GIMME SHELTER It is definitely obvious between Apple and her father that they share different subcultures. Apple has experienced most of her life in neglect, whereas her father became a stockbroker and lived a life of happiness and success. It is very clear that just by seeing these differences within the two, they will have different viewpoints as well as they will experience conflict between one another.

11 PEER GROUP A social group whose members have interests, social position, and age in common.

12 GIMME SHELTER When Apple moves into her group home, she meets and becomes acquainted with a group of females who are similar in age and are in the same situation as she is in. All of the girls come from similar backgrounds and are all pregnant and chose to keep and take care of their children just as Apple had. By the end of the film, she gets the opportunity to leave the group home but decides to stay because she considers the girls that she lives with family and doesn't want to abandon the life long bonds she had made.

13 ROLE Behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status.

14 GIMME SHELTER Apple's mother has always been addicted to some type of drug and even used and abused drugs while she was pregnant with Apple, she has never taken care of her daughter or acted as a mother should. A mother is supposed to provide for her daughter, take care of her, and make sure no harm comes to her, this is the expected behavior of a mother and Apple's mother does nothing but give out empty promises which is why Apple has been put in so many foster homes and eventually decides to run away.

15 EXPRESSIVE LEADERSHIP Group leadership that focuses on the groups well-being.

16 GIMME SHELTER Kathy is the leader of all the girls in her group home and she set a common goal for all of them and that was to get them ready for life on their own and to be fully capable of taking care of not only themselves but their children as well. The girls are all encouraged to get their education and eventually find their own jobs and a place of their own to stay when they are ready to take on all adult responsibility. Kathy's expressive leadership focuses on making sure that the girls are ready to make it on their own and teaching the girls to be successful and independent.

17 SEXUAL VIOLENCE Rape and date rape.

18 GIMME SHELTER In the beginning of the movie, Apple explains to her father and his wife the struggles she went through when being transferred to multiple different foster homes. One of the things she mentions is that an adult male rapes her, and nobody believed her when she talked about it because they automatically thought she was lying since she was a 'troubled kid'. Rape is sadly a common event that takes place not only in America, but in practically all countries throughout the world. Rape is also most commonly aimed at (but not limited to) women.

19 CRIME The violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law.

20 GIMME SHELTER Apple was breaking the law when she refused to live with her mother who was her legal care taker at the time and so the Social Services tracked her down and told her she had to live with her mother again, or be put in a foster or group home. Given that she was only 16, she wasn't legally allowed to live on her own and needed a guardian to watch over her. She had broken the law and that's why the social services were called upon.

21 STIGMA A powerfully negative label that greatly changes a person's self-concept and social identity.

22 GIMME SHELTER To outsiders, Apple would look to be a 'whore' for getting pregnant at such a young age. This label can be excruciatingly difficult to deal with, since people will for sure not be able to look at her now and think she is a responsible adolescent. Her being a mother at a young teenage age puts her in the spotlight -- and now she is put into an even more negative situation with reality.

23 LOOKING-GLASS SELF Cooley's term for a self-image based on how we think others see us.

24 GIMME SHELTER Everyone Apple has ever encountered, police and social workers included, view her as nothing but a strung out hoodlum who's stupid because she left school early and is doomed to lead a terrible life full of drugs and prostitution just like her upbringing. Because everyone view her this way, she in turn believes it to be true which explains her terribly low self esteem and why she refuses help from anyone and is so independent.

25 WORKS CITED hudgens/2014/01/22/e34d971e-7e24-11e3-95c6-0a7aa80874bc_story.html hudgens/2014/01/22/e34d971e-7e24-11e3-95c6-0a7aa80874bc_story.html grefurl= QH21JiABg&tbm=isch&ved=0CHkQMyg9MD1qFQoTCISDjqbL18gCFcNwPgoddioGYA 2513582/Vanessa-Hudgens-plays-homeless-pregnant-teen-Gimme-Shelter.html&h=467&w=638&tbnid=PxTUA1dUOx2GXM:&docid=EoR- S6EgHhHS_M&ei=waspVue2GIX0-QH67bHIDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CCkQMygNMA1qFQoTCKebn8jV18gCFQV6Pgod-nYMyQ

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