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UKRISS Landscape Study 28 June 2012 Simon Waddington Centre for e-Research King’s College London 1.

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Presentation on theme: "UKRISS Landscape Study 28 June 2012 Simon Waddington Centre for e-Research King’s College London 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 UKRISS Landscape Study 28 June 2012 Simon Waddington Centre for e-Research King’s College London 1

2 UKRISS Project 2 UK Research Information Shared Service Project in JISC Research Information Management Programme 16 month project: 1 st March 2012 to 30 th June 2013 Partners

3 Objectives UKRISS is conducting a feasibility and scoping study for the reporting of research information at a national level based on CERIF, with the objective of increasing efficiency, productivity and quality of research across the UK HE sector. The aim is to define and prototype solutions which will be compelling, easy to use, have a low entry barrier, and support innovative information sharing and benchmarking. 3

4 Project structure Two phases Phase 1 will deliver a feasibility study (November 2012) Phase 2 a proof-of-concept solution (June 2013) Phase 1 Requirements gathering, analysis and business case development System architecture and infrastructure CERIF mappings Phase 2 Implementation Pilot deployment Evaluation Sustainability 4

5 Requirements gathering and analysis 5 Data management plan Management of sensitive information, commercial interests Stakeholder analysis Power/impact grid Landscape study Desk research based on previous experience of partners Design of requirments study Rigorous and systematic approach based on HF principles Interviews and focus groups Interviews with main stakeholders Requirements analysis

6 Stakeholders 6 UKRISS HEFCE HESAVendorsBISInstitutions Charity funders RCUK Researchers

7 Landscape study Ongoing activity to classify and record relevant items of prior art and current initiatives “Living document” on blog – comments welcome Scope On-going projects, development of standards, reports, software Special attention has focused on: Services that involve collection of research information Outcomes and technical outputs of previous JISC-funded RIM projects. Outcomes and outputs of other sector-wide project such as the Snowball project Solutions developed in other countries for reporting of research information 7

8 Requirements gathering Phase I of the project involves a requirements gathering study, to include stakeholders providing: 1) strategic, 2) policy/operational and 3) technical, perspectives. Face-to-face interviews will be the default methodology, with telephone interviews as a standby option Interviews tailored from a predefined long-list of perspective led questions to fit the roles and responsibilities of interviewees Interviewee responses will be analysed and coded against different types of functional and non-functional requirements to aid analysis 8

9 Status 10 interviews now completed, Aimed to understand/identify: Current status and/or plans for collection, management and reporting of research information Drivers (strategic, economic, etc) and rationale for the organisation’s plans Unmet needs or barriers/inefficiencies that might be removed e.g. through harmonisation Opportunities or gaps where UKRISS could add tangible value What UKRISS should not do Who we should approach for the next tranche of interviews Further documentation that would be helpful to developing the requirements for the next phase 9

10 Conclusions Wide range of barriers and issues: Political and cultural issues are often perceived to be greater barriers than technical ones Commercial interests – publishers and CRIS vendors Governance and policies 10

11 Further Information Project blog: Contact: Twitter: @jisc_ukriss 11

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