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Business Correspondence Meeting 1 Presentation of Business Document Structuring your communication Language and Tone Email.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Correspondence Meeting 1 Presentation of Business Document Structuring your communication Language and Tone Email."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Correspondence Meeting 1 Presentation of Business Document Structuring your communication Language and Tone Email

2 Presentation of Business Document Printed Stationery –The examples of letterhead. –The paper used by a company shows the personality of the company. –Parts of letterhead: A logo or graphic symbol identifying the company. The company’s name The full postal address Contact numbers – telephone, fax, email address. The website address.

3 Presentation of Business Document Fully Blocked Style with Open Punctuation –There are various styles in correspondence. –Fully blocked style is the most widely used because: It has businesslike appearance It reduces typing time (no indentation). –Open Punctuation usually comes with fully block style. It does not need any unnecessary full stops and commas. Example: 24 July 2006

4 Presentation of Business Document Continuation pages –Is the sheets that are used for the second or subsequent pages of business letters. –It should also include: Page number Date Name of addressee




8 Reference Includes the initials of the writer (usually in upper case) and the typist (usually in upper or lower case). A file or a departmental may also be included. Examples GBD/STGBD/st/Per1GBD/ST/134 Our ref : DH/sa  Daniel Horstmann wrote the letter and  Sarah Andy, the secretary typed it. Exercises: ...

9 Date: The date should always be shown in full. In UK  it is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year. No commas are used. –Example: 24 July 2006 In some countries the date is typed in the order month/day/year, often with a comma after the date. –Example: July 24, 2006

10 Inside Address: The name and address should be typed on a separate lines as it would appear on an envelope. For example: a person signing as ‘Smith Beckenbauer’ should be addressed as such in the inside address, preceded with the courtesy title ‘Mr’. To address him as ‘Mr S Beckenbauer’ would not be appropriate. Exercises:...

11 Special Markings: If a letter is confidential it is usual to include special markings as part of the inside address. This may be typed in upper case or in initial capitals with underscore. Examples: –CONFIDENTIAL Miss Iris Tan Personnel Director Soft Toys plc 21 Windsor Road Birmingham B2 5JT

12 Salutation: If the recipient’s name has been used in the inside address, it is usual to use a personal salutation. For example: Dear Mr Leighton Dear Douglas Dear Miss Tan If your letter is addressed generally to an organisation and not to a specific person, the more formal salutation ‘Dear Sirs’ should be used. If your letter is addressed to a head of department or the head of an organisation whose name is not known, then it would be appropriate to use: Dear Sir or Madam

13 Heading: A heading gives a brief indication of the content of the letter. It is usually also called as Subject of Letter It is usually placed one clear line space after the salutation. Upper case is generally used. Dear Mrs Marshall INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – 24 AUGUST 2003

14 Complimentary Close: The two most common closes are: –Yours faithfully –Yours sincerely Yours faithfully: –Used only with Dear Sir/Sirs/Sir or Madam Yours sincerely: –Used with personalised salutations such as: Dear Mr Leighton Dear Caroline Dear Mrs Tan

15 Name of Sender and Designation: After the complimentary close 4 or 5 spaces should be left so that the letter can be signed. The name of the sender should be inserted (in whatever style is preferred –Upper case or initial capitals only). The sender’s designation or department should be shown directly beneath his/her name. Examples: Yours faithfullyYours sincerely PATRICK ASHELESLEY BOLAN (Mrs) ChairmanGeneral Manager When a letter has to be signed on the behalf of the sender, it is usual to write ‘for’ or ’pp’ in front of the sender’s printed name; ‘pp’ is the abbreviation for pre procurationem (on behalf of). Examples: Yours faithfully Shirley Johnson for EDWARD NATHAN Chairman

16 Enclosures: There are many methods of indicating that an enclosure is being sent along with a letter: –Affix a colored ‘enclosure’ sticker usually in the bottom left-hand corner of the letter. –Type three dots in the left-hand margin on the line where the enclosures is mentioned in the body of the letter/ –Type ‘Enc’ or ‘Encs” at the foot of the letter, leaving once clear line space after the sender’s designation.  this is the most common form of indicating enclosures. ExampleYours sincerely Linda Patterson (Mrs) Marketing Manager Enc

17 Copies: When a copy of a letter is to be sent to a third party (usually someone in the sender’s organisation) this may be indicated by typing ‘cc’ (copy circulated or courtesy copy) or ‘Copy’ followed by the name and designation or the copy recipient. If there are two or more copy recipients, it is usual to show these in alphabetical order. Example: Ravi Gopal, General Manager Ashley Ow Yong, Company Secretary Candice Reeves, Accountant If the writer does not wish the recipinet of the letter to know that third person is receiving a copy of the letter, then ‘bcc’ (blind carbon/courtesy copy) is used. This should not be shown on the top of the letter, only on the file copy and bcc copy/ies

18 Try to identify this letter …!


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