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Blended Model of Instruction in Middle School Brandy Hiett.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended Model of Instruction in Middle School Brandy Hiett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blended Model of Instruction in Middle School Brandy Hiett

2 What does the current middle school instruction look like?

3 Do we need to change classroom instruction? Rogers (2003) presents six stages to answer this question and facilitate the change if needed. Stage 1: Need Identification Standardized testing scores Student achievement Faculty perceptions

4 We need to make a change. How? Cost Hardware Software Needs of potential users Stage 2: Research Stage 3: Development Stage 2: Research Stage 3: Development

5 How do we get stakeholders to buy into the innovation? Communication Provide stakeholder the opportunity to observe how the innovation operates. Benefits of innovation Stage 4: Commercialization

6 How will the school begin the diffusion? Trial versus complete diffusion If trial, than who is included? Stage 5: Diffusion and Adoption

7 How do we know if the innovation was a success? Positive or Negative – Standardized testing scores – Student achievement – Faculty perceptions Stage 6: Consequences

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