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September 15 th 1. Attendance & deposit participation cards 2. Discuss Theory Exercise 3. CCA Research Paper handout 4. Lecture: CCA Research 5. Film:

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Presentation on theme: "September 15 th 1. Attendance & deposit participation cards 2. Discuss Theory Exercise 3. CCA Research Paper handout 4. Lecture: CCA Research 5. Film:"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 15 th 1. Attendance & deposit participation cards 2. Discuss Theory Exercise 3. CCA Research Paper handout 4. Lecture: CCA Research 5. Film: Black Gold 6. Homework:  Introduction to Sociology: Chapter 3, 4 and 16 (only pages 520-526)  CCA Research Topic Assignment  Extra Credit Option (10 points) Bring in 2 advertisements from newspapers or magazines (not circulars)

2 Commodity Chain Research Paper Sociological Research

3 Commodity Chains The global economy today is a network of commodity exchanges that connect producers and consumers around the world Each commodity in this global economy can be traced from production to consumption  Not all products we consume have global origins, but the trend is a powerful one

4 Commodity Chain Analysis Examines the hidden social, cultural, and environmental relationships behind the commodities we consume Allows us to better understand globalization and a global economy by tracing one commodity When you wear, eat, or use a final product in a commodity chain, you participate in a global process

5 The Story of Stuff

6 Your Commodity Chain Analysis This assignment asks you to do some detective work to investigate the sources of the products you consume. You’ll be asked to choose a specific product and trace it from source to consumption. This type of project is called “commodity chain analysis,” since it starts with a product (a commodity) and uncovers the chain of events, people, and materials that produced it.

7 Stages of a Commodity Chain When researching your commodity the stages of the commodity chain to focus on are (note: some commodities will :  Design and technology  Raw inputs and parts  Manufacturing/Production  Sales, distribution  Marketing

8 Example: The iPod When looking at each stage of the iPod commodity chain consider:  Design and technology – who made it, where, what are the wages/labor conditions, who owns the technology (patent)?  Raw inputs and parts – what is needed to make the iPod – metal, plastic, how many separate parts?  Manufacturing/Production – who assembles the iPod, where, what are the wages/labor conditions?  Sales, distribution – how does the iPod get to the stores it is sold in, who sells the product, who buys it?  Marketing – how is the iPod marketed, to whom is it marketed, how much are those in the advertisements paid?

9 Analysis of the Commodity Chain For the analysis of your commodity chain you need to consider the following relationships behind your product  social (who makes the products, what are the labor conditions like, etc.)  cultural (does this product have significant cultural meaning in the societies that consume it)  environmental (how does the making and consuming of this product affect the environment)

10 How do I research this paper? With the Gavilan Library online databases located at: If you do not have a Gavilan Library card already you need to get one ASAP. You can get one online, but it may take a few weeks to arrive in the mail. You can get one the same day by going to library in person.

11 EBSCO Host The EBSCOhost database available through the Gavilan Library website will provide you with a wealth of information If you are unfamiliar with EBSCOhost please view the following tutorial on techniques for searching in this database:  scohostfeaturecard-070216.pdf

12 What sources can I use? You want to look for information (evidence) in several sources:  Peer reviewed journals (at least two of these sources are required)  Newspaper, magazines, and trade journals  Websites (make sure they are reliable and provide accurate information)  Interviews  Books You cannot use:  Wikipedia  Encyclopedias

13 What bibliographic formatting do I use? You want to use APA style formatting   808.pdf Your sources need to be annotated, which means you provide a 1 paragraph summary of the main points of the article/book 

14 Writing the Paper You will submit this paper in two parts:  The first paper you will submit will be an overview of your commodity chain and the primary (also called conventional) production/consumption chain behind your commodity.  After you submit the first paper you will continue the research on your commodity, this time looking at alternative ways to produce the commodity you are studying. You will then integrate this new research into your main paper for one final submission. Final Paper requirements:  The papers will be graded for both content and writing style  Please re-read, proofread, and revise your work before turning it in - the final draft should be a revision of the rough draft  Paper should be 7-10 pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font Final Presentation requirements:  Power-point presentation (5-10 slides) addressing the following questions: Why did you pick this commodity and what role does it play in your life? How is the commodity produced, distributed, and consumed?

15 Due Dates: September 22 nd - CCA Research Topic Summary (10 points) October 13 th - Outline of research paper and annotated bibliography(40 points) October 27 th - Part one of research paper (75 points) November 24 th - Part two of research paper (75 points) Starting December 8 th - Class presentation (50 points)

16 Want to see some examples? You can review examples of A student commodity chains on the Commodity Chain Analysis Website below:  On this website you can find more information about researching and writing this paper. As usual, be sure to ask me if you have any questions!

17 What is Plagiarism?

18 Questions for Black Gold Try to identify the hidden social relationships behind the coffee commodity chain:  Design and technology  Raw inputs and parts  Manufacturing/ Production  Sales, distribution  Marketing Whose responsibility is it to ensure that coffee growers are paid enough to take care of the basic needs of their families? What do you think is the best way to help Ethiopian coffee farmers?

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