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WELCOME TO MRS. MOORE’S MATH 6. WEEKLY ROUTINE  Monday-Thursday:  Do Now, Lesson with Notes and Summary (all done in math book), LTMR  Each Chapter.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MRS. MOORE’S MATH 6. WEEKLY ROUTINE  Monday-Thursday:  Do Now, Lesson with Notes and Summary (all done in math book), LTMR  Each Chapter."— Presentation transcript:


2 WEEKLY ROUTINE  Monday-Thursday:  Do Now, Lesson with Notes and Summary (all done in math book), LTMR  Each Chapter will have family activities (Given on Friday; Due on Monday)  Each Unit will have Unit Project  Fridays:  Quiz or Unit Tests

3 Setting Students Up For Success  Incentives:  Certificates= Given for Homework Completion, Highest Test/Quiz Score, Best Unit Project, Completed Family Activities, Most merits  Rewards= Eliminate lowest score on quiz, Replace 1 Homework Assignment, 5-10 pts. Extra Credit, Ice Cream Socials  Tutorials  In-Class Participation: Guided Practice and Independent Practice are crucial  Weekly quizzes- Student must study 15-20 min. each night to be successful

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