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Big Sibling Program 2015-2016 MUSC College of Graduate Studies Hosted by: Dr. Cynthia Wright and the GSA.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Sibling Program 2015-2016 MUSC College of Graduate Studies Hosted by: Dr. Cynthia Wright and the GSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Sibling Program 2015-2016 MUSC College of Graduate Studies Hosted by: Dr. Cynthia Wright and the GSA

2 What is the Big Sibling Program?  The Big Sibling Program pairs incoming CGS students with older students to aid in their transition to grad school  We hope to foster lasting relationships between Big and Little Siblings to make them feel welcome at MUSC and provide them with guidance during their first year

3 General Timeline  Planning meeting  Aug. 20, 2 pm  BE 201  Orientation—Sibling meet and greet  Tuesday, August 25 th; 11:45am –12:45pm  BE Lobby  Lunch served!  Follow-up Big/Little Social  Mid-October; time/date TBA  Ice cream!  Pizza and Beer?  Individual meetings  Your choice for times/locations

4 What are my responsibilities as a Big Sibling?  Welcome your Little Siblings to MUSC!  Exchange contact info  Provide academic guidance, such as…  Choosing a department/mentor to work with  Finding/setting up rotations  Which classes to take and when to take them  Forms for classes, funding, etc.  Who to ask about forms (Karla, Dodie, Amanda, Amy)  Anything else you can think of

5 What are my responsibilities as a Big Sibling?  Help them acclimate to the MUSC culture  Tell them about all that our university has to offer  Bring them to fun social events such as the Back to School Party (Aug. 28 th ) and New Student Social (Sept. 11)  Links for specials/deals around Charleston  Tell them about groups and organizations they can join  First GSA meeting: Sept. 3 at 12 pm, EL109

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