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Starter: Match up the definition dominoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: Match up the definition dominoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: Match up the definition dominoes.
Solubility Starter: Match up the definition dominoes.

2 Definition Dominoes Solubility The extent to which one substance dissolves in another Solute The solid which dissolves in a solvent to form a solution Soluble Able to dissolve in a given solvent Solution A mixture of solute and solvent Solvent A liquid in which another substance can be dissolved to make a solution Saturated Solution A solution in which no more solute will dissolve

3 Solubility We are learning to:
Compare the solubility of solids and gases. Plan and carry out an experiment.

4 Planning an Experiment
Design an experiment to find out if the amount of solute that can dissolve in water is affected by the temperature of the water.

5 Planning an Experiment
Variables Temperature of water Amount of water Amount of solute Independent – You will change… Dependent – You will measure… Fair test Keep everything the same except the dependent and independent variables.

6 Planning an Experiment
Measuring Count number of spatulas added until no more will dissolve. Use the same amount of water, then weigh the solution before and after adding solute.

7 Planning an Experiment
Reliability If someone else repeats the experiment will they get the same result? How will you know you have got the correct result?

8 Solubility We are learning to:
Compare the solubility of solids and gases. Plan and carry out an experiment.

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