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Odyssey Epic Literary Terms

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1 Odyssey Epic Literary Terms
English I Pre-AP

2 EPICS: Long narrative poems that tell of the adventures of heroes who embody the values of their civilization.

3 Epic Conventions Setting is vast in scope, including much of the physical world and, at times, the land of the dead. Odysseus’ travels take him throughout the Mediterranean World.

4 Epic Conventions Main character is a physically impressive hero of national or historical importance. Odysseus fought for ten years in the Trojan War and devised the idea of the Trojan horse.

5 Epic Conventions There is evidence of supernatural forces at work.
In the Odyssey, our hero encounters gods, goddesses, sorceresses, monsters, giants, and the list goes on.

6 Epic Conventions Epics will be rooted in a specific culture and society. The Odyssey, for example, is heavily rooted in Greek society and culture.

7 Epic Heroes (Another Convention of the Epic)
EPIC HEROES embody the important morals, values, and virtues of the society of which they are a product. See your “Epic Hero” Chart for the traits of an epic hero.

8 EPIC SIMILE: a long, elaborate simile that goes on for a number of lines; often compares heroic or epic events to understandable and everyday things Ex. She brushed [the arrow] away from his skin as lightly as when a mother / Brushes a fly away from her child who is lying in sweet sleep.

9 EPITHET: the repetition of the same phrase over and over in a story to describe a character or object; the phrase stresses a particular quality of what is being described ex. Odysseus is frequently referred to as “the man of twists and turns.”

10 NARRATIVE DRIFT: an interruption in the narration to elaborate on what aspect of what is being talked about ex. If Homer mentions a gift of wine, he will digress and describe both the history of the gift and the history of the giver.

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