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Telemachos vs Achilles Amatheon Bohan, Vashisth Parekh, Aidan Grogan, CJ Stott, Pramod Narayanan.

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Presentation on theme: "Telemachos vs Achilles Amatheon Bohan, Vashisth Parekh, Aidan Grogan, CJ Stott, Pramod Narayanan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telemachos vs Achilles Amatheon Bohan, Vashisth Parekh, Aidan Grogan, CJ Stott, Pramod Narayanan

2 I can… ● learn and understand the heroic cycle ● compare and contrast Achilles and Telemachos as heroes using the heroic cycle and The Power of Myth

3 What is a hero?

4 Definition of a Hero A hero... ● gives his life to a bigger cause than himself/herself o is someone who saves someone or supports an idea ● performs a courageous deed in battle o saves a life ● learns what others cannot

5 The Heroic Cycle

6 The Characters AchillesTelemachos

7 Telemachos: A Hero? ● Meeting with Mentes (Athena) ● Suiters put Telemachos down (Town Meeting) ● Getting aid from Mentor/Athena ● Telemachos takes control of his voyage ● Telemachos travels through rough seas ● Nestor and Menelaos ● The suitors (Antinoos, Eurymachus, etc) ● Learned about Odysseus o Odysseus’ actions in the Trojan War ● Maturation

8 Telemachos: A Hero? ● Power of the myth o Hero does something for the betterment of all o Telemachos's quest is not only for himself, but for his family and possibly for all of Ithaca

9 Achilles: A Hero? ● The Idea of the Trojan War ● Mother’s Reluctance to let Achilles go ● The Trojan War begins ● Agamemnon, Hector, and Patroclus ● Defeats Hector ● Death By Paris ● The Greeks win

10 Achilles: A Hero? ● Power of the myth o The conquest of fear yields the courage of life. That is the cardinal initiation of every heroic adventure -- fearlessness and achievement - Joseph Campbell ● Achilles knew he was going to die, but he helped

11 Similarities ● Immaturity and Stubbornness ● Acceptance after realization o Athena - Telemachos o Death of Patroclus-Achilles ● Intervention of Supernatural Forces ● Create Enemies

12 Differences Telemachos ● Born and grew up without a father ● No heroic feats ● Born a son of a great warrior ● Fights the suitors ● Takes journey to find father ● Suitors plan to kill him ● Reluctant Heroism Achilles ●Born invincible ●The Greek’s go-to Hero ●Born the son of a nymph ●Fights the Trojans ●Takes journey to go to war ●Paris and Apollo already killed him ●Bold Heroism

13 Conclusion ● Heroes come in all shapes and sizes ● A hero can accept his fate or deny it ● A hero will overcome his challenges o Does something for the greater good of humanity


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