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"Kritios Boy" c.480 bce from the Acropolis, Athens. Parian marble, 33 7/8" high. "Kritios Boy" is an early fine example of "contrapposto" a term that describes.

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Presentation on theme: ""Kritios Boy" c.480 bce from the Acropolis, Athens. Parian marble, 33 7/8" high. "Kritios Boy" is an early fine example of "contrapposto" a term that describes."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Kritios Boy" c.480 bce from the Acropolis, Athens. Parian marble, 33 7/8" high. "Kritios Boy" is an early fine example of "contrapposto" a term that describes the wieght shift of the torso producing a relaxed and more natural look.

2 "Diskobolos" (Discus Thrower) by Myron. Roman copy of a Greek bronze original. c. 450 bce. Museo Nazionale Romano, Rome.

3 "Charioteer from Delphi" is from the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, c.470 bce, 5'11" high in bronze. Archeological Museum, Delphi "Diaduomenos" is believed to be a Roman marble copy of an original Greek bronze statue, c.440 bce, 73" high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York "Apoxyomenos (Scraper) by Lysippos, Roman marble copy. c. 330 bce, 6'9" high. Vatican Museums, Rome (See Page 148, Gardner text). "Athena " from the 5th C., bce.

4 "Dancing Youth," from the late 4 th Century, bce. Bronze, 7 7/8" The figure is bronze, with bone and glass eyes, silver teeth, copper lips and nipples. S ee detail of the face below. Warrior, from the sea off Riace, Italy, c.460 bce H. 6'6" bronze.

5 "Sleeping Eros" from the Hellenistic era.

6 "Aphrodite," also known as 'Venus de Milo, the Greek and Roman goddess of love) from the Greek Island of Melos, by the sculptor Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meander. The statue combines the classical features of the 'stoic' face and contrapposto pose with the realism of the Hellenistic era. The statue is marble, from c.150 bce and is 6'7" in height. Louvre Museum, Paris

7 "Dying Gaul," by Epigonos (?) is a Roman marble copy after a bronze original from Pergamon, Turkey. c. 230 bce. 3' 1/2" high. Museo Capitolino, Rome.

8 Laocoon and his sons, from Titus' palace, Rome. 1st Century bce, marble, 7' 10" high. Sculptors were Anthanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes. "Athena and Alcyoneus" frieze from the Altar of Zeus at Pergamum, c.180 bce.

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