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Stamp of Quality: AGACE Pilar Lasala, APTICE LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Stamp of Quality: AGACE Pilar Lasala, APTICE LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stamp of Quality: AGACE Pilar Lasala, APTICE LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

2 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

3 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

4 APTICE ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Asociación para la Promoción de las Tecnologías de la Información y el Comercio Electrónico A non-profit organization Created on April 10 th, 2000 LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

5 APTICE AIMS: Research on the impact of ICT in business and Public Administration The publicity of that research: advisory activities, training programmes, seminars, publications, lectures, research projects,… The generation of new knowledge on information technologies The study of company needs in relation with ICTs LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

6 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

7 The APTICE Practice Code APTICE has drawn up this code of practice to be used by companies and government institutions as an instrument for self-regulation of their relations with private and business users Prepared on the basis of : –prevailing legislation in Spain and the European Union –taking into consideration the practices required by other similar codes worldwide –the expert opinion on the issues involved and the experience of companies operating in the e-commerce industry LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

8 The APTICE Practice Code AIMS: To encourage quality in all services offered through websites (e-commerce and e- government) To foster consumer and business confidence To establish a channel for handling the complaints and disputes that may arise through an out-of-court dispute resolution system To be a guide to best practice in a continuous improvement context LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

9 The APTICE Practice Code PRINCIPLES: 1.Identification of the Organisation 2.Guarantees concerning claims and performance 3.Security and technology infrastructure 4.Data protection 5.Rules for out-of-court dispute resolution 6.Requirements for the implementation of the APTICE code of practice LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

10 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

11 The AGACE Stamp of Quality AGACE The Agency for the Guaranteeing of eCommerce (Agencia de GArantía del Comercio Electrónico) AGACE Is a division of APTICE, integrated within its organisation, in charge of performing audit work in compliance with the APTICE Code of Practice AGACE is in charge of auditing those organisations that wish to obtain the AGACE Stamp of Quality for electronic government and electronic commerce LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

12 The AGACE Stamp of Quality REGULATION: Section I: Definitions Section II: Object Section III: The Trustmark Section IV: The Certification Agency Section V: Award of the Trustmark Section VI: Maintenance of the Trustmark Section VII: Suspension or withdrawal of the Trustmark Section VIII: Treatment of non-conformities Section IX: Out-of-court dispute resolution procedure LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

13 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

14 EGOBS Electronic Government Observatory EGOBS is an initiative of the Network on Electronic Government coordinated since 2003 by the University of Zaragoza; its members are European and South American Universities APTICE collaborates in the activities of the Observatory EGOBS is part of the Legal Framework for the Information Society (LEFIS) LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

15 EGOBS AIMS: The independent study of the characteristics of the activities of Electronic Government The confirmation, by means of the study of concrete cases, if the activities are carried out with respect to: the norms, procedures and principles picked up in the laws the right to the participation in these activities for citizens, companies and institutions the regulations on personal data protection and security of the electronic communications LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

16 EGOBS TOOL: LEFIS Metric on eGovernment development A set of indicators to measure the eGovernment development in each category (Oslo, EFQM and usability studies models) 93 indicators organized into four parts: –Contextual indicators –Input indicators –Output indicators –Outcome indicators Each part is organized into areas LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006

17 Summary APTICE The APTICE Code of Practice The AGACE Stamp of Quality EGOBS as a procedure to validate eGovernment Websites LEFIS Quality Sofia, 2 nd -3 rd June 2006 THE END

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