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Quizzo Questions Directions: 1)Ask the questions in order 2)Give students around 15 – 30 seconds to write their answer on panels 3)Award points for correct.

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Presentation on theme: "Quizzo Questions Directions: 1)Ask the questions in order 2)Give students around 15 – 30 seconds to write their answer on panels 3)Award points for correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quizzo Questions Directions: 1)Ask the questions in order 2)Give students around 15 – 30 seconds to write their answer on panels 3)Award points for correct answers 4)Keep a score sheet so you can keep track

2 Round 1 1.What number does a presidential candidate need to win an election? 2.The Prohibition amendments are what numbers? 3.What is the “thesis” of the Constitution? 4.This was the reason that Shay’s rebellion happened? 5.These were the name of people who were against a strong federal government.

3 Round 1 1.270 2.18 & 21 3.The Preamble 4.Debt 5.Anti-Federalist

4 Round 2 1.This compromise dealt with the issue of slavery. 2.What 3 parts make up the Constitution? 3.These are powers given to the federal government. 4.This group has the power to remove a President from office. 5.This Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review.

5 Round 2 1.3/5 Compromise 2.Preamble, Articles, Amendments 3.Enumerated 4.The Senate 5.Marbury v. Madison

6 Round 3 1.This group is determined by using the census. 2.This amendment was created because FDR served for 4 terms. 3.The 3 rd amendment is about what? 4.This term means formal approval. 5.What must be filed before the Supreme Court will hear a case?

7 Round 3 1.House of Reps 2.22 nd amendment 3.No housing of soldiers 4.Ratification 5.Writ of Certiorari (Spelling should be close – call me if you aren’t sure.)

8 Round 4 1.This branch of government is responsible for creating laws. 2.Besides the popular vote, what else is used to select the President? 3.Who is the current majority party in the House of Reps.? 4.This means to “talk a bill to death”. 5.How many amendments are there?

9 Round 4 1.Legislative 2.Electoral College 3.Republicans 4.Filibuster 5.27

10 Round 5 1.This can end a filibuster. 2.Who selects a President if neither candidate gets 270 electoral votes? 3.This means “two houses”. 4.This role of the President is when they help members of their own party. 5.How many cabinet positions are there?

11 Round 5 1.Cloture 2.House picks the President 3.Bi-Cameral 4.Party Leader 5.15

12 Round 6 (Write numbers and answers of white board.) PresidentRules Committee Committee (House)House Committee (Senate)Senate Idea If the Senate passes the same bill If the Senate makes a change Bill House of Reps. Floor of House Floor of Senate House Comm. 1 4 Senate Comm. 3 2

13 Word List: PresidentRules Committee Committee (House)House Committee (Senate)Senate Idea If the Senate passes the same bill If the Senate makes a change Bill House of Reps. Floor of House Floor of Senate Committee House 2 4 President 5 3 House 6 Committee Senate Rules Committee Senate

14 Round 7 1.This plan wanted only equal state representation. 2.Which amendment says “no unreasonable searches and seizures”? 3.How does the President check the powers of the Supreme Court? 4.There are two of these from every state. What are they? 5.Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

15 Round 7 1.New Jersey Plan 2.Amendment 4 3.Appoint Justices 4.Senators 5.John Roberts

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