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Published byMolly Garrison Modified over 9 years ago
September Interface Monthly Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Management and Reporting Tool Update September 8, 2009
2 Today’s Topics Introduction – Zachary Keys Milestones – Zachary Keys SMART Project Update – Fred Barnes Top 5 FAQS – Fred Barnes Interface Test Stage 1 & 2 – Kurt Meisner Interfunds Processing – Kurt Meisner Closing – Kurt Meisner
3 Milestone Status: 26/33 agencies have completed their connectivity testing 19/33 agencies have submitted data mapping layouts 9/33 agencies are have submitted all data mapping layouts 0/15 agencies have completed their testing of Stage 1 interfaces (files were only recently released on 09/01 or 09/02) Agency Milestones/Tasks Activity/MilestoneStart dateFinish Date Complete and Send Data Maps to SMART3/16/096/15/09 Perform interface/system modification3/16/098/31/09 Perform connectivity testing7/15/098/31/09 Receive Stage 1, SMART Outbound Configuration Interface files9/1/0910/12/09 Provide Stage 2, SMART Inbound Configuration Interface files10/05/0911/18/09
4 Project Update Updates: Layout updates have been published per the bi-weekly updates and communications were sent to agencies on 8/21/2009 INF36, INF38, INF42, INF45, and INF51 layouts were published The INF15 interface will include both budgetary-only and non- budgetary chartfield values: o Budgetary-only values can not be used on vouchers, journals or purchase orders but can be used on budget journals o Agencies can differentiate between budgetary-only and non- budgetary values using the BUDGETARY_ONLY field The JCL Inbound File Naming Standard issue has been resolved The SHARP file naming standard will be: o Stage 2 Configuration values will be published by 9/21/09 Spreadsheet Uploads will be used to stage data for those agencies who do not load their data via the inbound interfaces The interface date time format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.12345
5 Project Update Updates: All files will be fixed width, equal to the widest record in each file Agencies not on the mainframe will need to transfer files as fixed block with a fixed width Agencies have been contacted regarding the status of their data mapping and connectivity test Business Process Workshops are in progress The August Monthly Interface meeting Q&A has been published The interface error file layout has been finalized The updated interface standards will be published Fields with a format of ‘NBR’ will not have leading zero’s The upcoming monthly interface meetings are scheduled on: o October 13th o November 10th o December 8 th
6 FAQs Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions: Where do I get my data for Stage 2 of interface testing? INF01 and INF15 provide vendor and chartfield information during Stage 1 If one transaction of an inbound interface file fails, will the rest of the file still load? Yes, the SMART standard is to process valid transactions in a file and write error transactions to the error file Do I need to test the Spreadsheet Uploads? The Spreadsheet Uploads will not be validated during interface test. They will be used to stage data for outbound interfaces for agencies that will be interfacing test data. The Spreadsheet Uploads will be tested by the project during System Test Are all the interface file layouts published? The remaining 3 agency interface, INF41, INF57 and INF59 will be published as the designs are finalized Will INF03 reflect the agency system in the file name or sub type? INF03 will be a single file for each agency. Voucher Origin can be used to identify the agency system. The file name and sub type will not contain the originating agency system
7 Interface Test Stage 1 Stage 1 – Outbound Configuration Interfaces (9/1-10/12): The INF15 file were sent to the mainframe on 9/1 and can be resent as needed The INF15 file will not contain converted projects SOKPROJECT/SOKACTIVITY will be provided as sample project/activity values The INF15 file will be a single file for all agencies The initial INF01 file were sent to the mainframe on 9/1 INF01 delta files will be sent to the mainframe on a periodic basis and can be retrieved as needed Stage 1 data provides the data required for Stages 2-6 Since Stage 1 is all outbound interfaces, no error files will be provided Agencies participating in Stage 1 will process the interface files in their systems Agencies should email the Sunflower project when testing is successful or if they have issues
8 Stage 1 – Issues Interface Test Stage 1 IssueResolutionResolution Status Resolution Date The INF01 record length was not displaying properly when viewed in all software programs. The interface file record lengths are being shortened by the FTP transfer if data is not contained in the end fields. The interface team is working with agencies to research this issue. OpenN/A The INF01 interface date time stamp was displayed incorrectly. The interface date time stamp is being updated to match the delivered Oracle date time stamp. Closed09/08/09 The INF01 interface did not contain OLD VENDOR ID. The vendor data was setup online and does not contain this value as it is only populated through conversion. The interface team is updating the dummy data to include this field. Closed09/08/09 The INF01 interface does not include padded zeros. The interface team has confirmed with project management and the development team that numbers will be padded with spaces, not zeros. Closed09/03/09
9 Interface Test Strategy Stage 2 – Inbound Interface (10/5/09 – 11/18/09): Confirms that the inbound interface files load successfully, without errors Provides transactions which will be used for Stage 3 testing Confirms that agencies can properly process SMART data received in Stage 1 Files must be uploaded by agencies to the DISC mainframe Agencies may not use Budgetary Only values on their inbound transactions
10 Interface Test Strategy Error Process: SMART interfaces will process the inbound interface files and perform the following pre-SMART validation o Control total verification o High level field validations If the interface file does not pass the control total validations it will not be loaded into SMART If individual transactions do not pass high-level validations, only those transactions will not be loaded into SMART When a pre-SMART error is encountered, an error file and log will be generated and sent to the DISC Mainframe and the data will not be loaded into SMART The error file will have the same name as the inbound file, with a.err suffix Agencies will analyze the data in the error file and resubmit the corrected error transaction in its entirety to SMART
11 Interface Test Strategy Error Process: If the interface file passes the pre-SMART validation, it will be loaded into the system where SMART validation will occur If an individual transaction does not pass the SMART validation the transaction will be corrected online by agency personnel
12 Interface Test Strategy Error Type Example (INF02): Pre-SMART validations o Control Total Validations – File not loaded into SMART o High Level Validations – Transactions not loaded into SMART 1.No Row ID on any of the rows 2.No Business Unit on any of the rows 3.No Invoice ID on the Voucher Header 4.No Invoice Date on the Voucher Header 5.No Vendor ID on the Voucher Header 6.No OPRID on the Voucher Header 7.No Gross Amount on the Voucher Header 8.No Voucher Line Number on the Voucher Line or the Distribution Line 9.No Distribution Line Number on the Distribution Line 10.No Account Number on the Distribution Line 11.No Merchandise Amount on the Voucher Line or the Distribution Line
13 Interface Test Strategy Error Type Example (INF02): SMART validations o Voucher Build Pre-Edit Errors – Loaded into SMART 1.Invalid business unit 2.Invalid vendor 3.No default location for vendor 4.Blank invoice ID, and auto-assign option is not selected in the Run Control Page 5.No invoice date, and auto-assign option is not selected in the Run Control Page 6.Invalid vendor location (if specified) 7.Invalid vendor address (if specified) 8.Invalid voucher origin (if specified) 9.No association of purchase order or receiver lines with voucher lines, and distribution information is absent 10.No voucher line information
14 Interface Test Strategy Error Type Example (INF02): SMART validations o Voucher Build Errors – Loaded into SMART 1.Duplicate invoice checking 2.Chartfield editing 3.Check invoice balance 4.Schedule payment calculations
15 Interfund Transactions Interfund Processing: Interfund deposit transactions will be processed using INF43, INF44 or online entry Interfund deposit transactions will be identified using the Deposit Type Reciprocating deposits must be manually associated to an existing interfund ID using the interfund page. Interfund voucher transactions will be processed using INF02, INF50 or online entry Interfund voucher transactions will be identified using Voucher Origin On the interfund page, SMART will assign a unique, sequential Interfund ID to link interfund deposits to the related voucher The interfund ID field will only be visible online in SMART and is not included on the interface layouts
16 Interfund Transactions Interfund Processing (cont.): Interfund transactions must be approved online by the participating agencies The deposit can be approved before the voucher, and vice versa A&R will no longer approve interfund transactions Interfund transactions will not require State Treasurer Approval The process for notifying participating agencies of pending interfund transactions is currently being designed Interfunds will be budget checked after both sides have approved the transaction and confirmed the amounts are equal Interfund approval access is only available to AP and AR Interfund Approver roles Intrafund transactions can be performed in the GL or using INF06 Interfund voucher will be paid electronically, no checks will be created Interfund data will appear on the following outbound interfaces: INF03, INF19, INF29
17 Interfund Transactions Interfund Online Entry vs. Interfaces: INF02 interfund transactions will be pre-approved, and will not require standard voucher approval INF02 interfund transactions will still require interfund approval by the participating agency on the interfund page in SMART Both sides of the interfund transaction must always be approved online in SMART on the interfund page Interfund transactions can only be deleted online Using INF02 and INF44 to load interfund transactions will be efficient for frequent or high volume transactions Enter interfund transactions online or through the spreadsheet uploads INF43 and INF50 for infrequent or low volume transactions
18 Key Dates Activity/MilestoneStart dateFinish Date Stage 1: SMART Outbound Configuration Interfaces – Agency receives outbound files 9/1/0910/12/09 Stage 2: SMART Inbound Interfaces – Agency provides inbound files 10/5/0911/18/09 Stage 3: SMART Outbound Interfaces (Return Processing) – Agency receives outbound files 10/26/0911/25/09 Stage 4: Error Processing (Inbound) – Agency provides inbound files 11/30/091/15/10 Stage 5: Additional Inbound Interface Test – Agency provides inbound files 11/30/091/15/10 Stage 6: Agency-Use Interface Test using Agency conditions; spreadsheet upload testing; and regression testing (as needed) – Agency receives and provides files as needed 1/15/103/15/10 Completion of Interface TestN/A3/15/10
19 Closing How you can communicate with us: Surveys – Please let us know how we are doing Office Hours – Come see us! Monthly Interface Meetings – Participate, bring your questions and issues or send them to us in advance Email – Subject “Interfaces” with suggestions, comments or
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