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Indexing Title: MASuñaz’ Medical Anecdotal Report [07-05] MAR Title: Family First Date of Medical Observation: June 23, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Indexing Title: MASuñaz’ Medical Anecdotal Report [07-05] MAR Title: Family First Date of Medical Observation: June 23, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indexing Title: MASuñaz’ Medical Anecdotal Report [07-05] MAR Title: Family First Date of Medical Observation: June 23, 2007

2 Narration: It was a Saturday morning, I was on from duty status and I had a date that afternoon. I was pretty excited because my girlfriend, who happens to be a surgery resident in another institution, and I only get to see each other once in a blue moon. So I made sure all my tasks at the ward were accomplished so I could leave by noon.

3 Narration: Everything was going smoothly as planned when all of a sudden I got a phonecall. It was my brother’s officemate. I was told that my kid brother was rushed to the hospital after what seemed to be an exacerbation of his asthma.

4 Narration: Upon hearing this, I immediately asked the Chief if I could leave earlier because I had to be with my brother. I was the only family he had here because my other brother went home to our province. I was so thankful when I was allowed to leave.

5 Narration: I immediately rushed to the hospital my brother was admitted in. I then found out he ate sugpo moments before his attack. He was administered with antihistamines and was given nebulization. Admission was then advised, and seeing the state he was in, I agreed.

6 Narration: I then informed my seniors the following day that I was going to be absent from my duty and that I was going to file a 1 day emergency leave. I had to be with my brother.

7 Insight: (Physical, Psychosocial, Ethical) (Discovery, Stimulus, Reinforcement)

8 Insight My brothers and I were raised in such a way that in whatever we do, we should always put God first and family a close second. Being the eldest child, I was given the responsibility to look after my younger brothers even when I was at a young age. I guess you can say that old habits die hard.

9 Insight This experience once again brought out the manong (as my kid brother would call me) in me. Despite the fact that my brothers and I are all old enough to take care of ourselves, the urge I have to be there for them when they need me cannot be helped.

10 Insight Now that I am a full-fledged physician, my responsibility to take care of my family has gone up a notch. I’ve always thought to myself that if we, as doctors, could always make time to look after our patients, all the more should we be there for our family.

11 Insight My date did not push through on that day, but I look back at how I handled the situation without regret. I knew I did the right thing.


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