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Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Plenary discussion 01/12 Third-country cooperation: a ‘revamped’ Erasmus Mundus Action 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Plenary discussion 01/12 Third-country cooperation: a ‘revamped’ Erasmus Mundus Action 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Plenary discussion 01/12 Third-country cooperation: a ‘revamped’ Erasmus Mundus Action 3

2 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Action 3 – Current situation (1) 19 partnerships in total EU/EFTA countries: 18 EU/EFTA countries participating. Strongest participation: FR, DE, NL, UK, IT, ES Third-countries: 27 third countries participating: Strongest participation: China, Brazil, USA, Australia, South Africa

3 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Action 3 – Current situation (2) Thematic areas: 8 partnerships in Life Sciences, 6 in Humanities, 4 in Economic and Business and 1 in Hard Sciences In total 985 European Erasmus Mundus students and 229 European Erasmus Mundus scholars have received a scholarship to study/work at third-country higher education institutions

4 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Application for an Action 3 Partnership (1) Structure and content of the Masters' course. Can the course integrate an Action 3 partnership (course structure, mobility aspects)? Was it foreseen at the time of the Action 1 application? Timing of the application deadline. Do consortia have enough time to prepare for an Action 3 partnership? Is the procedure clear (application form, selection and award criteria)?

5 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Application for an Action 3 Partnership (2) Finding partners. => Does cooperation with third-country higher education institutions already exist at the time of the Action 1 application? => If there is no existing cooperation what are the best ways to attract third-country higher education institutions to participate in an Action 3 partnership? => Is it difficult/easy to identify courses in third- country institutions which match the EM masters course?

6 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Institutional and country cooperation (1) What is the added value of an Action 3 partnership? => How can it contribute to the EM curriculum and the consortium partners? Development of areas of cooperation and exchange of knowledge through the visits of the European scholars. => What are the main areas of cooperation and how the mobility period of the European Erasmus Mundus scholars contributes to this?

7 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Institutional and country cooperation (2) => What can be the main difficulties in developing such cooperation and what could be the ways to overcome them (curricula and methodologies differences, language etc)?

8 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Mobility aspects (1) Participation of European students in Action 3. => What are the main interests for a student to go abroad and what could be their concerns to go to a third-country higher education institution for a short period? => How many European Erasmus Mundus students can a consortium send per year? Are there differences in the estimated and the realised outgoing mobility and why?

9 Speaker: Dimitris Kokkalis Mobility aspects (2) => What are the possible difficulties (different timing of semesters, different credit systems, requirements for minimum or maximum stays etc?)

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