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With a hand up, not a handout the strength of a circle is formed.

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Presentation on theme: "With a hand up, not a handout the strength of a circle is formed."— Presentation transcript:

1 With a hand up, not a handout the strength of a circle is formed.

2 Circle around. Capital City Circles Initiative - a plan to reduce poverty and prevent homelessness in Carson City.

3 “Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way.” -- Abraham Lincoln

4 Circle of strength. On March 2, 2006 Carson City’s Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to support the development and implementation of a ten year plan to reduce Carson City’s chronic poverty and homelessness.

5 “Carson City is beyond denial of the problem … and … the majority of Carson City’s poor and homeless have roots here.” Supervisor Shelly Aldean March 2, 2006 Board of Supervisors meeting minutes

6 Circles of truth. National statistics show, on average, a chronically homeless person can consume as much as $1million / year in social services.  Local Shelters  Hospital Emergency Rooms  Psychiatric Wards  Detoxification Programs  The Criminal Justice System

7 Carson City’s civic truth. In our community, a vast majority of those who struggle with poverty and chronic homelessness were born and raised in Carson City.

8 A circular plan. Address the personal and economic issues that lead to homelessness. Personal issues = YOUR hand to another Economic issues = Building a healthy community

9 “Statistics show not only it is far less expensive but it is far more effective to prevent homelessness, than to deal with its aftermath.” Lisa Keating, PhD Nevada Appeal “Fresh Ideas” July 25, 2007

10 Circles of support. With community volunteers we: Partner with individuals who are on the brink of crisis Raise awareness to build a healthier community

11 “Circles is an opportunity for the faith based organizations in Carson City to unite under a single banner with the community-at-large, in an effort to help those in need.” Father Jeff Paul St. Peter Episcopal Church Guiding Coalition Meeting

12 Circles of dependency? This is not a mentoring or a give-away program.

13 Full circle. With a human hand up to encourage people to take leadership and decision making roles in their lives in partnership with their community “allies,” people can establish goals toward self-sufficiency. Then, it is expected that one day these same people will reciprocate by giving back to the community similar kinds of help …. in this way the circle is complete.

14 “Sometimes all a person needs is a helping hand and someone who cares, then through their own initiative they can begin to break the vicious poverty cycle.” Helaine Jesse V.P. of Development & External Affairs Western Nevada College

15 How a “Circle” is formed

16 Circle of need. Can you offer cash? Make a car donation? Make a pledge of service and become an ally? Can you speak up for community initiatives in support of education, libraries, public transit, livable wage jobs?

17 Carson City’s Center Circle Carson City Health and Human Services 900 E. Long Street Carson City, NV 887-2190

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