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Published byBarry Bates Modified over 9 years ago
Which Logo? FELs with X-Band Technology D. Schulte for the X-band FEL and CLIC collaboration D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 1
Which Logo? Why X-band for FELs? Light sources have spread around the world rapidly – Have become locally available in many countries Expect FELs to spread in a similar fashion when the technology is mature enough Normal conducting X-band FELs are a promising technology for this – Significantly cheaper than superconducting machines – High gradients allow compact machines – Repetition rate of kHz interesting for some experiments – Technology has matured very much in the past years, a little more to go – A good moment to develop the standards together with industry D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 2
Which Logo? Fermi Some content D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 3
Which Logo? UK FEL Aspirations Two FEL facility proposals in the UK have been generated – 4GLS (2006), ERL-based accelerator incorporating single pass, seeded, FEL (8 to 100 eV, 1 kHz) – NLS (2010), SC Linac-based accelerator with 3 single pass seeded and upconverted FELs after beam spreader (50 to 1000 eV, 1MHz) A third proposal is now being actively discussed – Results from LCLS especially seem to have convinced the UK life science community that FELs offer new capabilities – Implications are that higher photon energies will be required (250 eV to 15 keV) and so higher electron energies – To keep costs manageable this is likely to mean that NC RF will be selected (compromise on repetition rate) – Hence our interest in the application of X Band accelerating technology Jim Clarke
Which Logo? 31.01.2013CLIC Workshop 2013 TAC Collaboration 5 Ankara University (Coordinator) Gazi University İstanbul University Uludağ University Dumlupınar University Erciyes University Boğaziçi University Doğuş University Süleyman Demirel University Niğde University Osmangazi University Gebze Institude of Technology Ankara University Gölbasi Campus IAT Need some good slide
Which Logo? AXXS Site constraint 550 m: Same tunnel, energy and source points for storage ring upgrade. Time constraints: need to finish building out the remaining beamlines before justifying a new ring or FEL. AXXS – Australian X-band X-ray Source AXXS n. /ˈæksɪs/ fig. A central prop, which sustains any system. Development plan for the Australian Light Source community: 1.develop the remaining beamlines (space for an additional 6 IDs) 2.upgrade the storage ring lattice to MBA (compact MAX IV magnets) 3.upgrade the injector to a full energy x-band linac (3 GeV) 4.upgrade to additional linac for (X)FEL Work supported by management (support letter for Horizon2020)
Which Logo? Planned Compact Hard X-ray FEL at SINAP 580m Vast experience with soft FELs (SDUV-FEL), Soft X-FEL under construction Proposal for hard X-FEL (6.5GeV) submitted to Chinese government
Which Logo? Other Interested Institutes A more long-term interest in the technology also exists (often with future projects in mind): University of Oslo University of Uppsala National Technical University of Athens Jagiellonian University, Krakow – Operating synchrotron, X-band injector Lancaster University Some other institutes are interested but are focusing on construction projects right now Interest in industry exists VDL – Interested in the industrial technology development D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 8
Which Logo? Collaboration Goals Individual partner goals – Some want to upgrade an existing or future FEL – Some have plans to build a new FEL – Some have more long-term plans regarding FELs Common goals – Take advantage of X-band technology development – Foster it further to make it available to the FEL community, in particular develop as standardised RF units as possible and promote their industrialisation – Take advantage of each others expertise – Combine forces in preparation of CDRs for each project D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 9
Which Logo? Why Does CLIC Support FELs? CERN does not do light sources – It is not part of CERN’s mandate Use of X-band in FELs in other labs would help CLIC for a number of tasks – Further technical developments with industry Will create the industrial basis – Performance studies of accelerator parts and systems From components up to large scale main linac system test FELs can profit from X-band technology Obvious win-win situation – In addition, FELs in different institutes can also profit from common development Started a collaboration Submitted an application for an EU co-funded Design Study XbFEL D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 10
Which Logo? 2012-18 Development Phase Develop a Project Plan for a staged implementation in agreement with LHC findings; further technical developments with industry, performance studies for accelerator parts and systems, as well as for detectors. 2018 Decisions On the basis of LHC data and Project Plans (for CLIC and HiE LHC variants in particular), take decisions about next project(s) at the Energy Frontier. 2019-23 Preparation Phase Finalise implementation parameters, Drive Beam Facility and other system verifications, site authorisation and preparation for industrial procurement. Prepare detailed Technical Proposals for the detector-systems. 2023-24 Construction Start Ready for full construction and main tunnel excavation. 2023-2030 Construction Phase Stage 1 construction of a 500 GeV CLIC, in parallel with detector construction. Preparation for implementation of further stages. 2030 Commissioning From 2030, becoming ready for data-taking as the LHC programme reaches completion. CLIC Timeline 11 D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013
Which Logo? STElettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy. CERNCERN Geneva, Switzerland. JUJagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. STFCDaresbury Laboratory Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury, UK. SINAPShangai Institute of Applied Physics, Shanghai, China. VDL VDL ETG T&D B.V., Eindhoven, Netherlands. OSLOUniversity of Oslo, Norway. IASANational Technical University of Athens, Greece. UUUppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. ASLSAustralian Synchrotron, Clayton, Australia. UA-IATInstitute of Accelerator Technologies, Ankara, Turkey. ULANC Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. XbFEL A proposal for an EU co-funded Design Study A core activity of the FEL collaboration Submitted September 3
Which Logo? Workpackages Do we already have a slide? D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 13
Which Logo? ParametersValueUnit Output Wavelength0.1nm Bunch charge250pC Energy6.4GeV Normalized emittance0.4mm.mrad Energy spread (sliced)0.01% Pulse length (Full)100fs Peak current3kA Rep. rate60Hz FEL parameter3.41*10 -4 Peak power10GW Peak brightness2*10 33 3D gain length2.156m Saturation length50m Example: Main Parameters of the Compact Hard X-ray FEL Planned at SINAP
Which Logo? FEL Example Scheme (TAC) ● 300 MeV injector (standard S-band linac) ● BC1 @ 300 MeV ● 2GeV Linac 1 ● BC2 @ ~2GeV ● 6 GeV Linac 2 ● Splitting Linac 2 for producing soft x-ray FEL?
Which Logo? First Iteration on Cost Minimum Based on CLIC structure database (K. Sjobak, A. Grudiev), simple cost model (Ph. Lebrun) and beamdynamics constraints Cheapest structure: L=0.75m, G=65MV/m, P in =41.8MW, τ=149.6ns a 1 /λ=0.15, a 2 /λ=0.1, d 1 /λ=0.9mm, d 2 /λ=1.7mm, Many solutions at almost the same cost Can chose most reasonable parameter set Need to refine cost model design constraints Preliminary D. Schulte, LSUM, Ankara, October 2013 16
Which Logo? ~11 m, 16.3 cm 2x ScandiNova solid state modulators 50 MW 1.5 s (Operated @45MW) 2x CPI klystrons 100 (90) MW 1.5 s 468 MW (418 MW) 150 ns 10 m, 7.5 active x 10 accelerating structures @68.8MV/m (65MV/m) 46.8MV (41.8MW) input power based on the existing (industrialized) RF sources (klystron and modulator) TE01 90 0 bend TE01 transfer line ( RF =0.9) Inline RF distribution network Common vacuum network 410 kV, 1.6 s flat top X 5.2 This unit should provide ~488 MeV acceleration beam loading. Need 12 RF units. Cost 51.7 a.u., 4% more than optimum I. Syratchev, modified by me Preliminary D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 17 Electron Linac RF Unit Layout
Which Logo? SLED II lines at SLAC XL5 T24 Some Components 18 D. Schulte, LSUM, Ankara, October 2013
Which Logo? Examples of Basic Parameters unitCLIC_502Opt.Swiss Structures per RF unit1216104 Klystrons per RF unit2221 Structure lengthm0.23 0.751.98 /lambda0.145 0.125 Allowed gradientMV/m10080+ Operating gradientMV/m7767.56527.5 Energy gain per RF unitMV213248488203 RF units needed27231226 Total klystrons54462426 Linac active lengthm748588206 Cost estimatea.u.76.271.551.7 Preliminary D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 19
Which Logo? RF gun & Injector Optimization 3 GHz Photo Cathode RF (PHIN) Gun 2.6 Cell, 100 MV/m 3 GHz Traveling wave structures (PSI type) 120 cell, ~4 m, max 18 MV/m Laser Laser parameters ● Laser pulse length? ● Laser spot size? Injector structure ● Gradient? ● Position of structure? ● Phase of structure? X-band structure 75 cell, ~0.9 m, 65MV/m Optimization goal minimum projected emittance, minimum sliced emittance minimum bunch length Gun parameters ● Gradient-phase? ● Bunch charge? ● Solenoid fields and positions? Booster -1Booster -2 A. Aksoy
Which Logo? Injector Optimization Acceptable projected emittance has been observed Sliced emittance can be optimized with mismatch parameter.. A. Aksoy
Which Logo? The effect of longitudinal wake We want a linear chirp before BC – Longitudinal wake potential spoils linearity – Can we optimize charge distribution? First optimization criteria is trying to get uniform distribution after first bunch compressor Longitudinal wake potentials experienced by bunch (which has σ=100 um) in x-band structure A. Aksoy
Which Logo? Bunch Compression A. Aksoy
Which Logo? SINAP Design: Full 1D Tracking Injector exit Linac exit Qiang Gu et al. Significantly improved photon beam stability
Which Logo? Transverse Dynamics Stability of beam with initial jitter requires to stay above red line D. Schulte, LSUM, Ankara, October 2013 25 (Strong) CLIC lattice and simplified wakefield Emittance growth with 100um tolerances: We need dispersion free steering or CLIC-style alignment for FEL
Which Logo? Main Linac Alignment Test of prototype shows vertical RMS error of 11μm i.e. accuracy is approx. 13.5μm Test of prototype shows vertical RMS error of 11μm i.e. accuracy is approx. 13.5μm 2) Beam-based alignment Stabilise quadrupole O(1nm) @ 1Hz 1)Pre-align BPMs+quads accuracy O(10μm) over about 200m 3) Use wake-field monitors accuracy O(3.5μm) Develop an alternative solution integrating all the alignment steps and technologies at the same time and location (CMM machine) Build a protoype 15 academic and industrial partners, EC funds 10PhD students (Marie Curie) H. Mainaud Durand et al. 26 D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013
Which Logo? An (Almost) Automatic Correction We want to make our BBA algorithms as automatic as possible. Two tools have been developed. SYSID and BBA tools 27 Makes BBA “easy” Tested at SLAC and at Fermi Now being considered for routine operation SYSID: Measures the machine optics BBA: Controls Orbit, Dispersion, and Wakefield correction
Which Logo? Tests of BBA at Fermi@Elettra To test and scan the efficiency of WFS we decided to excite an even larger emittance in the horizontal plane only, passing from 2.8um to 4.5um with a bump in the horizontal plane only, at bpm_l04.02, from 0mm to 0.9mm offset. We found the following, as function of the weight on the WFS: H-Emittance before correction = 4.5um H-Emittance after correction = 2.84um Emittance is totally recovered in just few minutes. Charge-independent orbit 28 Orbit, Dispersion, Wakefield convergence (bottom plot) A. Latina (CERN), S. Di Mitri, G. Gaio, E. Ferrari (Elettra)
Which Logo? CLIC: Integrated Testing of X-band Structures N. Catalan Lasheras. 04.06.2013 Xbox1 first production tests lasted less than six months Conservative testing time (6 months) assumed for klystron based benches Double Xbox2 capacity thanks to a new power splitter. (see I. Syratchev) More than 40 accelerating structures tested by 2017 N. Catalan 29 D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013
Which Logo? CLARA The existing VELA RF Photoinjector Facility ELECTRONS GENERATED HERE ELECTRONS ACCELERATED AND MANIPULATED INTERACTIONS WITH LASER BEAMS FEL OUTPUT GENERATED FEL OUTPUT STUDIED 250MeV beam energy European RF frequencies X-band cavity for phase space linearisation Proposed facility at Daresbury to test methods for Shorter Pulses Improved Temporal Coherence Tailored Pulse Structures Stability & Power Offers a great test bed for X-band acceleration
Which Logo? Conclusion X-band seems a good technology for an X-FEL – Relatively compact and cheap – The technology is fundamentally proven – But need to develop designs optimised for FELs Standards, where possible – Need to prepare larger production in industry A number of institutes will develop the X-band technology for FELs – In a collaboration CLIC would profit from fostering the use of X-band technology – We are fully supporting the X-band development for FELs An excellent win-win-win situation – For FELs, CLIC and hopefully EU D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 31
Which Logo? Reserve D. Schulte, CERN, September 2013 32
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