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Sampling for PMR: An Example The attached example of sampling protocols for the “caller-connect” device illustrates the foregoing rationale for focus.

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2 Sampling for PMR: An Example The attached example of sampling protocols for the “caller-connect” device illustrates the foregoing rationale for focus group interviews

3 Sampling protocols: The case of the “Caller -connect” Device Purpose of the Focus Group interviews: To obtain information useful for “Concept Refinement ” –features/characteristics of a device that meets the need of people that leave telephone off the hook for various reasons [stress, functional limitations, cognitive impairment, forgetfulness by older and child family members]

4 Sampling protocols: The case of the “Caller -connect” Device Step one: define target population –driving question is “What features should make up this "off-the- hook" device? –seeks input for a "universal design" –universe to include expertise from specific "groups" e.g. families with children/elderly leaving phone off the hook; with various functional needs; and with relevant demographics. Basically, purposive sampling makes sense.

5 Sampling protocols: The case of the “Caller -connect” Device Step two: make a sampling plan or chart and define what proportions to include –hearing "all" subgroups of interest impractical Alternatively, define several independent subsets of universe and then draw a sampling chart for each subset –3 groups defined -- persons with disabilities, elderly, younger adults with children



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