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Management Information: Key to Strategic Planning Senior Leadership Retreat presented by Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information

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Presentation on theme: "Management Information: Key to Strategic Planning Senior Leadership Retreat presented by Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Information: Key to Strategic Planning Senior Leadership Retreat presented by Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information 333-3551

2  8:45 Overview of data & services available  9:00 Large group discussion of Case #1  9:15 Breakout groups discuss Cases 2-4  10:00 Short break  10:15 Large group recap Plan for the session

3  With standard web & paper reports  With custom reports  With advice on where to find and how to use management data How can Management Information help you?

4  To better manage your unit  To know what others know about you  To respond to inquiries  To avoid reinventing the wheel Why be data-savvy?

5 “The new source of power is not more money into the hands of the few, but more information into the hands of many.” --- John Naisbitt

6 Set a bookmark today:


8 UIUC Campus Profile  Budgets & expenditures  FTE and headcount staff  Student enrollment  Course enrollments & IUs  much, much more! Ten years of data summarized by department, college, and campus:

9 UIUC Campus Profile -- Uses  Compare your unit to similar units on campus  Look at your unit over time

10 Standard, Strategic, & Custom Profiles

11 UIUC Campus Profile Types of Reports Available  Standard: 372 standard items for one unit in HTML format  Custom: select from 355 units select from 355 units select from 661 items select from 661 items select order for columns select order for columns select from 2 formats: HTML/Excel select from 2 formats: HTML/Excel


13 ten years Item numbers are links to glossaryItem numbers are links to glossary Some data items are “drilldowns”Some data items are “drilldowns”

14 Campus Profile Drilldowns Any data item that appears to be a link is drillable  FTE: get staff lists with appointment info  Expenditures: see details by fund and account  Students/degrees: counts by student program, breakouts by gender, race/ethnic, residency  IUs: breakout by section and instructor


16 Strategic Profiles 1. Campus-wide set of metrics for campus goals 2. College-specific goals, metrics for each goal, and 3-yr & 5-yr targets for each metric 3. Graphs now available for most metrics

17 Campus-Wide Indicators Students Students Faculty Faculty Programs Programs Selected items are graphed Strategic Profiles – Top Half


19 Selected unit Selected comparator

20 Unit-specific Indicators Organized by Goal Organized by Goal 3 & 5 yr targets 3 & 5 yr targets Dashboard: graphs show progress towards targets for selected indicators Strategic Profiles – Lower Half


22 Dashboard Example

23 Course Information System  Sections, IUs, Instructors by “Offering” department “Paying” department “Controlling” department  Data back to Fall, 1987  Deals correctly with renumberings, crosslistings, new subject names

24 Course Information System Course Information System Example Reports Course Information System  All courses one year  All years for one course  Selected courses and selected terms  All courses, all years for one faculty member  Six – Ten reports  Anomaly reports

25 Other Information Resources for Managing the Instructional Mission “Official” 10-day enrollments  Student Enrollment Reports  Consolidated class rosters  Section Instructor List/ dept rosters

26 Information Resources for Managing your Students & Tuition Revenue  Tuition, Waiver, and Appointments System Tuition charges and waivers for undergrads & grad students enrolled in your unit by term. Includes residency, tuition schedule, range for each student, plus all waiver-generating appts

27 Who’s Who at the UI: Departments and Executive Officers Departments and Executive Officers Departments and Executive Officers  All depts in Urbana  Unit heads & other contacts  Staff directories  URLs of each unit

28 Information Resources for Managing the Research Mission Proposal Data System Proposal Data System All proposals submitted for grants/contracts 1996 to present. Searchable by:  Investigator  Sponsor/agency  Dept or college  Key word

29 Additional Information Resources for “Managing” Your Faculty  Course Information System: Teaching histories  Activity Reporting System: Salary histories from FY89, cost sharing commitments

30 Other Information Resources Available to Units  Banner  Decision Support:  Eddie/Business Objects  Standard reports  Point & click report generation  Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) (for programmers)

31 A Note on Data Quality Garbage in  Garbage out The data we work with originates in the departments. Please make sure your staff members know it’s important to take the time to enter data correctly.

32 A Note on Data Security As EO, you are responsible for the uses of data in your unit. Make sure your staff know and obey the policies and laws on data privacy, especially with student data (FERPA)

33 Towards a Data-driven Decision-Making Culture More and more, decisions on campus are driven by data. Take the time to understand the rich sources of data you have available and use them !!!

34 Let Management Information Help Call (333-3551) or email (  Navigation through our site  Understanding the data  Where to find data  Special reports needed


36 Case #1 – as a group You are the provost and are meeting with a dean about progress toward strategic goals. * What is your biggest concern? * What other resources would be helpful?

37 Case #2 You are the Dean of LAS. * Compare teaching loads in two of your units. * Compare salaries * What choices has each unit made in staffing courses? * What other resources would be helpful?

38 Case #3 You are the interim provost and are considering budgets for next year * Compare enrollments/staffing in the two colleges * What topics would you like to discuss with each dean? * What college looks like a better investment for your funds?

39 Case #4 You are the department head. One of your full professors complains that her salary is less than that of an associate professor * What do you notice about the salary ranges for each rank in the dept? * Why do so many dept salary structures look like this? * What do you respond to the professor?

40 Web Systems in Place UIUC Campus Profile Activity Reporting System Tuition Assessment/Waiver/Appt Reports UIUC Departments & Executive Officers Student Enrollment Reports Course information system Section Instructor List Proposal Data System

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