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P1 Information evening September 2015. A sense of self worth Lifelong Learner Social Being.

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Presentation on theme: "P1 Information evening September 2015. A sense of self worth Lifelong Learner Social Being."— Presentation transcript:

1 P1 Information evening September 2015

2 A sense of self worth Lifelong Learner Social Being

3 Responsibility Resilience Reflectiveness Respect Buckstone Values Resourcefulness

4 Vicky Garven- P1 Caterpillars Gillian Blackadder- P1 Ladybirds Lisa Bailey/Allyson Munro- P1 Frogs

5 Why numeracy?  Important in every day life  Allows us to make sense of the world  Helps us to manage our lives  Key processes and skills

6 Numeracy and Mathematics  Heinemann Active Maths and SEAL (stages of Early Arithmetical Learning)  Real purpose  Learning through play  Developing skills  Learning facts  Applying learning in new situations  Learning at home

7 Learning Through Play

8 Developing Skills

9 Learning Facts Counting in 1s, doubles, counting in 10s and 2s, and some knowledge of number bonds to 10 e.g: 8 + 2 6+ 4

10 Learning at Home Allow for incidental learning, discuss numbers you can see all around you. Learn Its will be given out initially on flashcards to practise at home.

11 Why literacy?  Language enables us to develop our thinking emotionally and socially  Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning  Literacy is the set of skills which allows us to engage fully in society  COMMUNICATION!

12 Primary One Literacy Programme  Phonics  Writing  Reading

13 Phonics Programme  Hearing, saying, reading and writing different letter sounds  Alliteration  Rhyme  Word building and decoding  Developing writing

14 Spelling Emergent Writing – giving it a go Common words and taught sounds – increased expectations

15 Handwriting  Lots of practice with different resources  Importance of following the shape  Fine motor control  Correct seating posture  Pencil grip

16 Writing  To have a positive writing ethos throughout the school so that pupils develop confidence and pleasure  To encourage independent thinking and expression  “say it” then “write it”  Big Writing/VCOP  Multi – sensory approach using a wide variety of resources  Writing for a reason- role play, topic work, real life situation, recording experience

17 Emergent writing: A list of things to take to the beach

18 How reading works in Primary 1  In school – Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4  At home  Reading for enjoyment  Handy hints

19 Playground and Outdoor Learning. Encouraging team work, confidence.

20 Sandpit supports and enhances science, numeracy and math experiences and outcomes.

21 PLPs - Personal Learning Portfolios  What are they? PLPs are the record we create of your child’s progress and achievements over the year. They are working documents which will build up over the year and which will contain group targets, personal targets and evidence collected to show progress. The PLPs replace the old fashioned annual report card.

22 What will they look like? In P1 we will be trialling the use of e-journals as our PLPs You will receive a target booklet home to see what your child is working on this term Each term :4 comments online in Literacy & Numeracy : 2 additional curricular areas You will receive an email when the comments have been added

23 Individual Pupil and Teacher - Learning Chats Teachers will allocate a time slot so that every pupil in their class has the opportunity for an individual chat to set a personal target in literacy and numeracy. This target will then be reviewed at the end of term, along with the other maths and literacy targets. As with any new initiative we will no doubt experience some teething problems, but we do hope you will welcome this approach. The children are certainly pleased to be having “learning chats”.

24 Valerie Henry  Support for Learning

25 What can I do to help?  Volunteer  Share and comment in PLPs  Home learning opportunities  High expectations  Offer “real” opportunities  Have fun!

26 Things to remember  Briefcases  Letter tags  Indoor shoes  PE kit  Coats  Names, names, names!

27 Thank You for Listening Any Questions?

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