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Shopper Marketing Modeling & Analytics Sales Intelligence 16th December 2008 Customer and Trade Marketing Technology MSA Space Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Shopper Marketing Modeling & Analytics Sales Intelligence 16th December 2008 Customer and Trade Marketing Technology MSA Space Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shopper Marketing Modeling & Analytics Sales Intelligence 16th December 2008 Customer and Trade Marketing Technology MSA Space Management

2 MSA Merchandising & Space Advisor Customer and Trade Marketing Technology MSA is the most powerful and easy-to-use solution for merchandising and shelf space analysis in the market. MSA is a third generation space management tool, able to represent, analyze and communicate to the whole organization the best merchandising pattern and the optimum sku stock level to boost category results MSA is the first space management tool created under the Category Management Process, totally connected to other Nexium solutions for assortment optimization, POS tracking and promotional analysis. Theoptimumspace

3 Diapositiva 3 MSA commands are grouped in menus, with direct access to the most important functionalities in the toolbar File related commands. Editing Commands. Product and Warehouse commands. Planogram view commands. Zoom Commands. Labels and rulers commands. Facings commands. Merchandising options commands Graphs commands Reports commands

4 Diapositiva 4 MSA replicates in an easy way all furniture elements: Shelves, baskets, pegboards, … MSA replicates in an easy way all furniture elements: Shelves, baskets, pegboards, … Furniture Development Theoptimumspace

5 MSA helps user in the recreation of a real shelf with real images of the products MSA can be managed entirely with the icons´ toolbar User knows sku info through a dynamic info window activated by mouse movement Live Planogram Theoptimumspace

6 Easy and fast. User can be select the reference and move into the furniture simply dragging with the mouse MSA adds functionalities to build planograms based on economic criteria. How to build a Planogram Theoptimumspace

7 MSA can easily display all merchandising patterns based on color codes Painting by product drescriptor Colour Range by segment can be modified Merchandising Assistance Theoptimumspace

8 User now knows how much space is occupied by skus not performing and how many extra €s could be generated MSA calculates the optimum stock level with a given replacement pattern and shows skus with over or under-stock Optimal stock analysis MSA calculates objective stock for each SKU and lost sales

9 Quadrant analysis can be done only in one segment, allowing a truly micro- analysis of all skus. At a glance the user can see a three- variable chart that can be done at Category/Segment/Brand/SKU level Theoptimumspace Quadrant Analysis

10 MSA incorporates a new spectral analysis to fine tune sku performance Theoptimumspace Spectral analysis

11 MSA incorporates a complete set of chart and report functionalities Complete Range Report Theoptimumspace

12 Internet Options MSA allows the user to create an HTML document with the planogram and the report with the click of only one button Theoptimumspace

13 Diapositiva 13 User can print different planogram views in a easy way Theoptimumspace

14 Transfer category specific merchandising criteria and internal company rules to the point of sale in an operative and time-saving manner. Control if the proposed assortment fits into the available shelf space. Foresee and prevent possible out-of-stocks by means of the inventory model. Simulate sales and profit scenarios. Improve the communication between manufacturers and retail by applying transparent Category Management Tools as a common language between both.. Very competitive in terms of costs per license and annual maintenance. Benefits Theoptimumspace

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