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Page 1 2015-16 Powerpoint Template. Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 2015-16 Powerpoint Template. Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 2015-16 Powerpoint Template

2 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

3 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

4 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

5 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

6 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

7 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

8 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

9 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3

10 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40 (Optional slide #s)

11 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

12 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

13 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

14 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

15 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

16 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

17 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 4 Agenda Item 6 Agenda Item 7 Agenda Item 5 Agenda Item 3 4 8 14 19 23 34 40

18 Page 18 Content Slide Content Slide Text – Next Level Text Next Level Text – Next Level Text » Final Level Text

19 Page 19 Standard PPT Objects The primary default for all objects is a rounded rectangle with no line, dark yellow* background, and navy** text. *KIPP Nashville dark yellow: 254/218/0 **KIPP Nashville navy: 23/52/91 If necessary, the fill may be changed to another official KIPP Nashville color listed on slide 35 The secondary default for all objects is a rounded rectangle with no line, navy* background, and light grey** text. *KIPP Nashville navy: 23/52/91 **KIPP Nashville light grey: 244/239/235 If necessary, the fill may be changed to another official KIPP Nashville color listed on slide 35 Learn to easily access KIPP colors by clicking here!

20 Page 20 Font Text Type Extra large font size Large font size Medium font size Small font size Extra small font size # people 100 – 600 ppl50-100 ppl20-50 ppl10-20 ppl4-10 ppl Header, Paragraph and/or Bullet, Sub- bullet 28, 24 24, 20 20, 18 18, 16 14, 12 Font Type: Calibri (body) Font Size:

21 Page 21 Photo or Clip Art Slide

22 Page 22 Photo or Clip Art Slide Start no higher than this… Your accompanying writing will go in this textbox… Write as much as you need to—and then vertically center your text. End no lower than this

23 Page 23 Intro + 1 Content Box This is an optional intro box to slide material… This is the space for your primary content. Start typing here, and don’t end any lower than here.

24 Page 24 Intro + 2 Content Boxes This is an optional intro box to slide material… Here is textbox #1. Start typing here… And wrap it no lower than here. Here is textbox #2. Start typing here… And wrap it no lower than here.

25 Page 25 Intro + 3 Content Boxes This is an optional intro box to slide material… Here is textbox #1. Start typing here… And wrap it no lower than here. Here is textbox #2. Start typing here… And wrap it no lower than here. Here is textbox #3. Start typing here… And wrap it no lower than here.

26 Chevron List 26

27 Pie Chart 27 Start no higher than this… Your accompanying writing will go in this textbox… Write as much as you need to—and then vertically center your text. End no lower than this

28 Horizontal Bar Graph 28 Start no higher than this… Your accompanying writing will go in this textbox… Write as much as you need to—and then vertically center your text. End no lower than this

29 Vertical Bar Graph 29 Start no higher than this… Your accompanying writing will go in this textbox… Write as much as you need to—and then vertically center your text. End no lower than this

30 Line Graph 30 Start no higher than this… Your accompanying writing will go in this textbox… Write as much as you need to—and then vertically center your text. End no lower than this

31 Calendar (1/4) 31 MTWTF Week # Tip! This is a table. Change cell colors as appropriate. Use Distribute Columns Evenly and Distribute Rows Evenly in Table toolbar to keep equal column and row widths. Enter events, like meeting dates, in the cells

32 32 August September MTWTF 12 56789 1213141516 1920212223 2627282930 MTWTF 34567 1011121314 1718192021 2425262728 31 MTWTF 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 282930 MTWTF 23456 910111213 1617181920 2324252627 30 October November Calendar (2/4)

33 33 December January MTWTF 12345 89101112 1516171819 2223242526 29 MTWTF 1 45678 1112131415 1819202122 2526272829 February March MTWTF 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 MTWTF 1234 7891011 1415161718 2122232425 28293031 Calendar (3/4)

34 34 April May MTWTF 123 678910 1314151617 2021222324 27282930 MTWTF 1 45678 1112131415 1819202122 2526272829 June July MTWTF 23456 910111213 1617181920 2324252627 3031 MTWTF 1 45678 1112131415 1819202122 2526272829 Calendar (4/4)

35 Page 35 Standard Colors KIPP Nashville Schools: Additional KIPP brand colors used for KIPP Nashville PPT presentations: KAN R: 37 G: 86 B: 148 KNCP R: 247 G: 148 B: 30 KNCHS R: 67 G: 149 B: 57 KIPP Kirkpatrick R: 167 G: 207 B: 238 R: 23 G: 52 B: 91 R: 23 G: 52 B: 91 R: 244 G: 239 B: 235

36 Page 36 Saving KIPP Nashville’s Standard Colors (1/2) 1)Make sure that you are in the design tab of Microsoft PPT 2)Use the dropdowns pictured to the left to choose “Customize colors”

37 Page 37 3) Fill in the KIPP Nashville colors (from slide 2 of this presentation) starting with “Text/Background – Dark 2”, and extending through “Accent 6” 4) Name your custom color collection and click “Save” Note: These colors will now display on the top row of any text or shape color option window. Saving KIPP Nashville’s Standard Colors (1/2)

38 Page 38 Logos (1/2)

39 Page 39 Logos (2/2)

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