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Promising practices to promote best interests of children in international migration.

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Presentation on theme: "Promising practices to promote best interests of children in international migration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promising practices to promote best interests of children in international migration

2 International Social Service Transnational casework, advocacy and research based on international standards (network in more than 120 countries) Since 1924 working with this group of children (over 75 000 cases/year) Legal Basis – UN-Conveniton on the Rights of the Child and its’ protocols – UN Alternative Care Guidelines – The Hague Conventions, such as the 1996 Hague Child Protection Convention

3 ISS’ aspirations 1) Establish a strengthened cooperation and communication mechanisms among all stakeholders; 2) Identify and implement durable and appropriate care solutions based on a well-established socio-legal expertise; 3) Increase awareness about the safeguard foreseen by the Alternative Care Guidelines and the 1996 Hague Convention by developing practical tools and undertaking specific research studies.

4 Aspiration 1: Develop and strengthen cooperation and communication mechanisms Joint efforts to promote cooperation and communication – «The 3 Cs»: cooperation, communication and compliance – West African Network Joint efforts for family tracing across borders and long - term planning – ISS distinct know-how – Spanish Red Cross (ISS correspondent) – ISS Australia

5 Aspiration 2: Find appropriate care solutions for refugee children, UASC or displaced children in accordance with their best interests The child’s right to be heard – DCI Italy (ISS correspondent): contribution to EU Guidelines and to IMPACT initiative

6 Considering international kinship family care – Embedded policy through ISS network – Precise procedure foreseen by the 1996 HC (arts. 33 and 23- 2f) Preliminary consultation Submission of report on the child (reasons for placement) Necessary consent for placement – Several advantages for the child – Positive results so far (CFAB-ISS UK; ISS Australia)

7 Aspiration 3: Capacity building and training for professionals to adequately take care of children Develop practical tools for professionals – ISS Switzerland Provide specific training modules for professionals – ISS USA Awareness raising campaigns and specific research studies – ISS/IRC: Moving Forward Handbook and Monthly Review – RELAF – Portal MIGRAR

8 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. For further information, please contact:

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