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Throwaway Writing What is it? How would you define it?

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Presentation on theme: "Throwaway Writing What is it? How would you define it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Throwaway Writing What is it? How would you define it?

2 Here’s some examples: I’m going to tell you…. This concludes my introduction. Now I will focus on my third reason. In conclusion, I would like to add this. I believe these things are important. THE END

3 Conversation: Conversation: (between a teacher and one state high-stakes-testing essay-scoring official) Teacher: What about this sentence? Grader: Which sentence? Teacher: The beginning sentence on the essay which reads, “I am going to tell you the good parts and the bad parts about a rainy day.” Grader: At that point, we’re still waiting for the essay to kick in. We’re still waiting for it to say something. Teacher: That first sentence doesn’t show organization? As an introduction? Grader: Nope. It’s throwaway writing. We don’t count it negatively or positively. We just keep reading and looking for the essay to begin. Teacher: Throwaway? Grader: Yep. It’s space that the writer could’ve used for something else.

4 Answer this:  Do people do throwaway talking? Why?  Is throwaway writing a necessary first step in getting thoughts on paper?  What function does it serve?  What else might serve the same function?  Is there any such thing as throwaway teaching? What does it sound like?

5 Love Letter Dear John, I am writing to tell you three reasons about why I love you. In this letter, you will hear what I love about you, how much I love you, and what I hope you will say to me after you read this letter. I hope you enjoy the letter. Thank you for reading it. Sincerely, Margo

6 9-1-1 Call Uh…hello, 9-1-1? In this phone call I will tell you about an emergency happening in my house right at this moment. I will tell you the good and the bad things about fires in the living room. First, I will cover the bad things. Smoke is bad. Next, the heat from the flames is also bad. Third, the house will be expensive to replace. This concludes my 9-1-1 phone call.

7 Throwaway Writing Define it. Do we want it in our writing? How can we avoid using it?

8 Now it’s your turn… With your partner, write your very own 9-1-1 call or love letter or thank you note using Throwaway Writing ! Use your sense of humor and have fun with this assignment. We will share in a few minutes!

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