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Binational Planning February 24, 2006. SANDAG’s Structure SANDAG is an association of 19 local governments within the San Diego RegionSANDAG is an association.

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Presentation on theme: "Binational Planning February 24, 2006. SANDAG’s Structure SANDAG is an association of 19 local governments within the San Diego RegionSANDAG is an association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binational Planning February 24, 2006

2 SANDAG’s Structure SANDAG is an association of 19 local governments within the San Diego RegionSANDAG is an association of 19 local governments within the San Diego Region Board of Directors 5 Policy Committees Working Groups

3 Advisory Members 1.Caltrans 2.U.S. Department of Defense 3.San Diego Unified Port District 4.San Diego County Water Authority 5.Metropolitan Transit System 6.North County Transit District 7.Mexico 8.Imperial County Appointed Officials

4 New Committee Structure

5 How does SANDAG address Borders Issues?

6 Binational Planning: Committee on Binational Regional Opportunities (COBRO)

7 Comité de Oportunidades Binacionales de la Región (COBRO)

8 COBRO Focus of 2004 was to assess the state of border cooperation in our region.Focus of 2004 was to assess the state of border cooperation in our region. Focus of 2005 is to support the establishment of an effective planning partnership with Tijuana.Focus of 2005 is to support the establishment of an effective planning partnership with Tijuana. Areas of opportunity are San Ysidro and Otay Mesa.Areas of opportunity are San Ysidro and Otay Mesa.


10 Issue Areas TransportationTransportation Economic DevelopmentEconomic Development HousingHousing EnvironmentEnvironment

11 Binational Planning February 24, 2006

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