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EN/ACE/COS/EROS Engineering Referent for Operation Safety Cyrille Bedel, Yannick Beraud, Michel Bonnet, John Etheridge Emmanuel Paulat.

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Presentation on theme: "EN/ACE/COS/EROS Engineering Referent for Operation Safety Cyrille Bedel, Yannick Beraud, Michel Bonnet, John Etheridge Emmanuel Paulat."— Presentation transcript:

1 EN/ACE/COS/EROS Engineering Referent for Operation Safety Cyrille Bedel, Yannick Beraud, Michel Bonnet, John Etheridge Emmanuel Paulat.

2 Happy New Year 2016 Bonne année Bonne santé Meilleurs vœux Feliz año nuevo Buena salud Los mejores deseos Felice anno nuovo Buona salute Auguri

3 Domain of Application


5 CERN Safety Safety Rules GSI, SR, SSI, SAPOCO, CASP, DSOC, CERN Rules European Directive EEC 92/57 French Law 93-1418 L’ordonnance federale du 29 th June 2005 Laws and Regulations of the host Countries CERN Safety Codes, Instructions, Notes and Bulletins Not wearing a helmet 135 Euros Not using a seat belt 135 Euros Breaking a patrol at CERN Not wearing individual protect (Staff, Contractors)

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7 Clarification and Application of Updated Safety Rules June 2016 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTION GSI-WS-1 SAFETY COORDINATION FOR WORKS AND SERVICES 1_EN.htm. 1_EN.htm Site Supervisors Safety Coordinators Engineering Referent for Operation Safety EROS

8 EN/ACE/COS/EROS Can… Help you: Find solution. Anticipate problems, not just safety issues. We want to work with you Thank you all on behalf of EN/ACE/COS/EROS

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