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Overview of Tilitonse and Thematic Call Framework, Approach & Objectives 18 th December, 2015 Mzuzu Hotel.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Tilitonse and Thematic Call Framework, Approach & Objectives 18 th December, 2015 Mzuzu Hotel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Tilitonse and Thematic Call Framework, Approach & Objectives 18 th December, 2015 Mzuzu Hotel

2 Setting the Context for the Second Thematic Call Objectives of session – to enable potential bidders and applicants to fully understand requirements especially in relation to the three thematic areas – how did we arrive at these, what was the rationale and what are our expectations. Who should apply will depend on your understanding of the underlying assumptions, hence structure of the sessions. Session is NOT meant to go through reports – uploaded on our website.

3 Setting the Context for the Second Thematic Call (continued) This first session is complimentary and is meant to outline the background and underlying principles for the Tilitonse Fund and rationale and objectives of this second thematic call. The next three sessions build on the Tilitonse underlying principles to give you the governance issues around the three selected areas of : Accountability for resources in Local Government Councils, Women inclusion in decision making structures in the public sector and Urban Governance and Management. The last sessions will guide you through the Tilitonse technical requirements, the dos and don'ts that can make your application either successful or not

4 Background and grant making approaches Tilitonse is a multi-donor pooled grant making facility supporting more accountable, responsive and inclusive governance in Malawi through grants to projects led by civil society and other local organisations. It is meant to be a Civil Society support fund with a difference. It is designed in a way to reflect and build upon knowledge of political economy, and this encourages an approach towards building coalitions around issues of interest. The approach is expected to enhance civil society influence by connecting them in with other actors they don’t normally work with, such as the private sector, govt., consumer and middle class groups, and with business interests.

5 Tilitonse Grant Making Approaches(continued) Started-off with Accelerated Grant Window which did not follow due process and PEA. 7 grantees were approved. General Open Call 1 was based on 4 Tilitonse outputs. Bidders selected their problem areas in relation to Tilitonse outputs/Result Areas. Concept Notes, then proposal development. Evaluation criteria emphasized alignment to ToC and PEA. Proposal development assumed incorporation of PEA and ToC by bidders.

6 Tilitonse Grant making Approaches (continued) Thematic Call – identification of issues is based on PEA – concerned with the interaction of political and economic processes in society: the distribution of power and wealth between different groups and individuals and the processes that create, sustain and transform these relationships over time(DFID/OECD, 2009) Unlike GOC – PEA already done and identified issues are already linked to our ToC and Result Areas (subsequent session by Francis will dwell a lot more on the linkages). Our experience in the past four years has shown that other issues of national interest have not been tackled. PEA helps us to identify and tackle such issues. It is not OPEN but restricted to those who are already in the identified areas AND can work with other players(coalitions) This is an extension phase for the Tilitonse Fund. In view of time limitations for implementation basically less than two years, it is the only and last call of the programme under the extension phase. We therefore will not expect proposals with capital equipment like vehicles – consolidation of results and our approaches.

7 Existing Theory of Change ‘Increased levels of citizen voice, action, and interaction with government, private sector and like-minded interest groups, can create increased responsiveness in duty bearers and power holders leading to greater social inclusion, increased accountability and improved delivery of basic services. Tilitonse seeks to provide a platform for improving inclusivity, accountability and responsiveness in governance in Malawi through strengthened citizen voice.’

8 Theory of Change We have found out that voice alone may not do it. There is increasing evidence that there is need for action involving various players with POWER and influence. We need to understand the dynamics behind the ToC. How does change happen and how can we support that process? Who drives change? Change is driven when groups with sufficient POWER come together around issues or problems of mutual concern to them (Francis to come more on this) Emphasis is on the need to choose the right issues (does not happen just as result of coming together) Change is not purely driven by agents and organisations These are constrained by institutions and structural interests Empowerment of CS results not just from “capacity building” but also through building connections to more powerful influencers Must be driven by PE analysis Not particularly by donor preferences

9 Empowering Civil Society Civil Society is generally not very powerful Tilitonse has incorporated capacity building so we can enhance their power. Once a grant is approved we undertake a capacity assessment of the lead organisation and if gaps are identified, we develop a CAP which is costed separately and implemented. This process has been further streamlined to focus on a mentorship approach to capacity development!

10 Capacity development and accountability Capacity development a means to an end not an end in itself Separate line of approval Two-fold in terms of focus – facilitate accountability of grant partners, govt. and other development partners through effective processes, systems and structures that help them abide by the expected rules AND secondly demonstrate value for money from results through design, development and implementation of effective projects. Supporting role of grant making and facilitating achievement of Theory of change and the need to understand PEA as an important governance tool. CD provided to help grant partners understand these tools. PEAG has assisted us to unpack – using local expertise identified six people from academia and practitioners: Dr. Henry Chingaipe, Professor Asiyati Chiweza, Professor Edge Kanyongolo, Dr. Fletcher Tembo, Dr. Chikosa Silungwe and Professor Blessings Chinsinga

11 How did we identify the issues for this Thematic Call? Before based on drivers of change study which helped to provide the basis for the design of the Tilitonse programme Recommendation of Tilitonse board to use the General Open Call using ideas from CSO Formation of Political Economy Advisory Group

12 Selecting Priority Issues The Core Team drew up a list of governance issues which it reviewed and further streamlined Priority list of potential themes: initially looked at three categories – (a) Corruption( access to information and judicial and legal processes) Lack of implementation of decisions, accountability and transparency in public appointments to positions in power, decentralisation- fiscal and administrative (b) Urban Governance – development control and urban governance structures, land markets. © public/private interface- public procurement processes There were internal meetings, literature and desk reviews, semi-structured interviews and actual consultation through the political economy analysis approach resulting into further refinement and focussing. Three issues were presented to the Tilitonse board for approval. PEAG interrogated them further based on comments from the board to further refine the areas and in some instances to beef up the information. In the end three areas were selected. This second Thematic Call is a result of the above PEA process

13 Setting Priority issues Following final themes Accountability for Resources and results in Local government Councils (Chandiwira) Women inclusion in decision making structures in the public sector (Fannie) Urban governance in Malawi (Francis) Presentations not exhaustive and not replace reading of reports on our website. Meant to provide context and starting point.

14 Thank you

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