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Reshid Walker Janice Colvin Debrah Drayton Jennifer Bennett Eboni Bell.

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Presentation on theme: "Reshid Walker Janice Colvin Debrah Drayton Jennifer Bennett Eboni Bell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reshid Walker Janice Colvin Debrah Drayton Jennifer Bennett Eboni Bell


3 Cohort 20 will be a learning community where diversity of thought will be encouraged and shared through effective and continuous communication, thereby promoting and nurturing intellectual development in an enriching academic environment.

4 The Cohort 20 learning community is a place where we can express ourselves freely, accepting, and valuing each other and our opinions. We will share our expertise, experience, and education in order to sharpen each other as leaders. We will be open to change and innovation, creating new perspectives and attitudes toward leadership. Our community will take advantage of the opportunity to learn, share, develop and grow as today's emerging organizational and educational leaders.

5 1. Establish a specific methodology for data collection which ensures factual reliability and utility. 2. Institute a system of collaboration and peer review which fosters mutual support and qualitative integrity. 3. Create rotating leadership roles within various assigned sub-groups to enhance individualized experience, perspectives and attitudes toward leadership.

6 4. Identify key areas in emerging educational and business organizations that are innovative, effective and achievable for use as guide post in the development of leadership strategies and skills. 5. Establish a time line which will graphically reflect a continuum of evolving and incremental learning goals with demonstrable methodology for measuring progress of individual and group achievement of such goals.

7  Facilitator  Other Facilitators and Advisors  Cohort Leaders

8 RESPONSIBILITIES and EXPECTATIONS  Respect Others  Maintain Confidentiality  Assist and Support Each Other  Be Truthful and Honest  Act With Integrity  Honor Commitments  Be Open to Change  Use Uplifting Language

9  Cohesiveness & Support Team Building Strategies Rules of Behavior/Conduct Timeline/”To Do” List  Learning Talent Inventory Focused Training/Lunch & Learn Learning Style Survey

10  Sharing Mediators Facilitators Meeting Structure  Technology Electronic Threaded Discussions WIMBA Email Blog

11  Prototype Learning Community Vision Statement Goals




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