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ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History July 1st, 1994 marked the introduction of EQUAL ACCESS, allowing other long distance.

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Presentation on theme: "ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History July 1st, 1994 marked the introduction of EQUAL ACCESS, allowing other long distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History July 1st, 1994 marked the introduction of EQUAL ACCESS, allowing other long distance carriers to offer direct long distance dialing. Based on difficulties encountered in the United States with their introduction to Equal Access, the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) ruled that a verbal authorization by a customer to switch carriers had to be witnessed by an independent, impartial third party. ICCS won the contract to be the Third Party Verifier for Bell Canada and the ICCS verification centre opened in August 1994. Although other companies made the ’short list’, it was the diversity of languages offered by ICCS that contributed significantly to winning the contract. ICCS was contracted to provide verification services in 12 languages.

2 ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History Bell Canada Direct Market Agents (DMA) contact former Bell customers and attempt to win them back to Bell. If the customer agrees to return to Bell, the DMA will then conference with ICCS. The Bell Canada representative will introduce their customer to an ICCS agent and then will exit the call. The ICCS agent will verify the billing information, and will read a brief legal script to the customer. Upon hearing the customer’s response, the ICCS agent will conclude the call and store the record as verified. The team of ICCS agents conduct verifications after receiving a Bell request, via telephone, e-mail or facsimile. The scripting used in the verification process has been approved for content by the CRTC and was provided by Bell Canada.

3 ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History A ‘slamming’ charge may be levied against Bell Canada by the CRTC if they believe the winback was not approved by the customer. If such occurrence is suspected Bell contacts ICCS via email or facsimile and request that a “dispute certificate” be issued and e-mailed to Bell for their use. The certificate lists the call details and supports Bell Canada by confirming that the verification process was employed correctly. Occasionally, a customer may dispute the return to Bell. Bell Canada will review the event that led to the PIC (Primary Inter-exchange Carrier) change with their customer and may call upon ICCS to conduct a confirmation. A confirmation certificate listing the call details would then be issued and e-mailed to Bell Canada for their records.

4 ICCS/BELL TPV VERIFICATION PROCESS ICCS Third Party Verification History The Verification records are transmitted to Bell Sygma hourly throughout the day. The transmission also include callback attempts for the verifications which are not yet completed.

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