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Update: Selling VeriFone - A Global View Bill Nichols.

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Presentation on theme: "Update: Selling VeriFone - A Global View Bill Nichols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update: Selling VeriFone - A Global View Bill Nichols

2 Our Innovation and Commitment Our culture our history our sense of urgency our discipline our managers our operations our drive our products our innovation & commitment are geared toward one thing, and one thing only To lead the sector Translated … Your Success.

3 The VeriFone Team of partners and employees represent the best people in the business

4 Integration of Acquired Products VeriFone’s integration of acquired products has been a great success: NURIT wireless development and manufacturing expertise paying offNURIT wireless development and manufacturing expertise paying off VeriFone model applied to NURIT productsVeriFone model applied to NURIT products NURIT, Secura & OP new product introductions even in year oneNURIT, Secura & OP new product introductions even in year one –OP4100 an important intro to Pay at the Pump market Emerging markets penetration growingEmerging markets penetration growing

5 Our distributed offices around the world work around the clock to deliver success

6 Honolulu Sacramento San Jose Mexico City Clearwater Miami Atlanta Sao Paolo Buenos Aires Paris Warsaw London Bangalore Singapore Taipei Hong Kong Manila Dallas Beijing Savannah Tel AvivSpain Italy China Toronto New York Russia India Turkey Australia Dublin Product Design CentersPlatform Software Development Centers Application Development Centers Offices worldwide are active any day, any time Working Globally VIPs & Resellers

7 Staying Local Key to our culture is the growing influence & responsibility of regional, autonomous organizations Headed by local General ManagersHeaded by local General Managers Building Centers of ExcellenceBuilding Centers of Excellence Building regional product roadmapsBuilding regional product roadmaps

8 Staying Local This autonomy & entrepreneurialism is already at work QSR (IP enabled) Started in NA Now in EMEA Petro (multi lane/integrated) Started in NA Now in LAC Unattended (self service) Started in EMEA Now in NA

9 Our “go to market” strategies are the most focused, the most detailed and the most well executed

10 “Go to Market” Commitment VeriFone local office very effectively managing “go to market” details: Country by country certifications (card assoc, banks, applications)Country by country certifications (card assoc, banks, applications) Application development (writing, testing)Application development (writing, testing) Marketing strategiesMarketing strategies Training, channelsTraining, channels PromotionsPromotions VAPVAP Security standardsSecurity standards High-profile integrations (e.g., taxi meters, banks, fuel pumps)High-profile integrations (e.g., taxi meters, banks, fuel pumps)

11 VeriFone’s Go To Market Approach Step 1: Identify market opportunities Step 2: Identify candidates Step 3: Follow integration process Step 4: Execute go-to-market strategies

12 Example: Unattended Global markets for self-service machines by major segment, 2002-2010 ($ Millions) Step 1: Identify market opportunities Financial servicesSelf-service kiosks Consumer goods vendingAutomated convenience stores Self-checkout units

13 VeriFone Portfolio: Unattended Outdoor PIN Pads OP 3000, SIM 7x0, QX720 ATM / Kiosk NURIT 6000/6100 Step 3: Follow integration processStep 2: Identify candidates Multimedia Custom Payment Terminal Designs OP 4000 Software Payment Solutions ATM Management & Switching Solution (AMSS)

14 VeriFone Unattended: Go-To-Market Step 4: Execute go-to-market strategies Self-Service Payment Systems from the Worldwide Leader in Secure, Payment Technology

15 The VeriFone Portfolio of Solutions Our objective is to dominate, shape and ultimately change this industry Scale & economiesScale & economies BrandBrand Solution portfolioSolution portfolio Execution & disciplineExecution & discipline PeoplePeople The best brands and the breadth you’ll need

16 VeriFone is developing unique, complete solutions that are extending payment like never before

17 VeriFone Solutions Accelerating solutions areas:Accelerating solutions areas: –QSR, taxi, petro, hospitality, transit & unattended Solutions are impacting and changing business processes:Solutions are impacting and changing business processes: –Speed of service, marketing at the POS, privacy & service Solutions are also driving growth in support, services and softwareSolutions are also driving growth in support, services and software

18 Ways VeriFone Will Grow VeriFone will grow via traditional channels and with world class discipline and planning New TechnologyAcquisitions New Vertical Markets New Geographic Markets Sources of Growth

19 VeriFone scale allows us to quickly address worldwide trends in fraud and security

20 Addressing Fraud and Security PCI PED leadership:PCI PED leadership: –Largest product portfolio –Sole manufacturer on PCI board of advisors –Thought leadership in Retail VeriFone technology replacing systems (DSS)VeriFone technology replacing systems (DSS)

21 VeriFone growth, stability and ability to re-invest is fueled by initiatives around the world

22 Global Initiatives Major initiatives: contactless pilots, mobile solutions, banking initiatives, unattended, taxiMajor initiatives: contactless pilots, mobile solutions, banking initiatives, unattended, taxi Major clients: RBS, McDonalds, FIMPE, CitiBank, Tesco, associations …Major clients: RBS, McDonalds, FIMPE, CitiBank, Tesco, associations … Major wins on all fronts: UK, Germany, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, China, Australia, U.S., Canada, Poland, Venezuela, Colombia, India, Argentina, Singapore …Major wins on all fronts: UK, Germany, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, China, Australia, U.S., Canada, Poland, Venezuela, Colombia, India, Argentina, Singapore …

23 Global Technology Drivers Contactless EMV Wireless IP-Enabled Security Unattended VAT Tax

24 Our market leadership is evident behind the scenes too

25 World class personnel State of the art e-SCM tools & systems Unparalleled flexibility and cost productivity Global, regional and local supplier alliances Global capacity Quality Demand management excellence Behind the Scenes Leadership Unparalleled capability as you would expect from the industry leader Premier Supply Chain that guarantees a competitive advantage for our customers

26 Our success is most defined however by our ability to compete, to garner big wins, and to be consistent everywhere we operate

27 Competitiveness and Consistency Regional growth & successRegional growth & success Major wins versus Ingenico & HypercomMajor wins versus Ingenico & Hypercom Weakened competition: CEO turnsWeakened competition: CEO turns

28 Thank You!

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