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SWBAT: Explain why a constitutional convention was called and key issued addressed A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT: Explain why a constitutional convention was called and key issued addressed A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT: Explain why a constitutional convention was called and key issued addressed A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT

2  With your partner, determine reasons why the Articles of Confederation were considered weak.  FINANCIAL: No taxing power- only request donations from states  war debts unpaid  FOREIGN: Little respect from European nations  Sp. and Brit. threatened to expand interests in western lands  DOMESTIC: Shays Rebellion- poor farmers rebelled high state taxes against a weak state militia DO NOW

3  During revolution, colonies adopted state constitutions:  State officials could not infringe on citizens’ rights  Legislatures, executives (governor), & court system  Why separate powers?  White male property owners had right to vote  Elected officials typically had to own more property STATE GOVERNMENTS

4  1777: Adopted by Second Continental Congress  Central Government = Congress  Unicameral- each state given one vote  Amending required unanimous vote  Powers:  Wage war  Make treaties  Send diplomatic representatives  Borrow money  NO POWER TO ENFORCE LAWS! ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION

5  Accomplishments:  Winning the war!  Land Ordinance of 1785: policy for surveying & selling western lands  Northwest Ordinance of 1787: Set rules for creating new states, granted self-government to developing territory & prohibited slavery ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION  According to the excerpt below, what was a success of the A.O.C.? A failure? “There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted: Provided, always, That any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service as aforesaid.”

6  1787: Delegates from 13 states sent “for the sole purpose and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation”  What type of people were sent as delegates to the convention?  White, men, wealthy, college-educated, early 40’s, many lawyers  Voted George Washington chairperson, and to conduct their meetings in secret  GOAL: strengthen the young union of states CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

7 SWBAT: Evaluate differences between Federalists and Anti- Federalists TAKE YOUR NOTES OUT FROM MONDAY A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT CON’T

8  Key Issues:  Representation: NJ Plan v.VA Plan  Great Compromise aka Connecticut Plan  2 House (Bicameral) Congress  Slavery: Three-Fifths Compromise  For purposes of taxation and representation  Guaranteed importation of slaves for 20 years  How was southern state representation effected?  Trade: Congress would regulate interstate & foreign commerce  Discuss northern v. southern opinions on import/export taxes. Who would favor/oppose and why? CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

9  Key Issues con’t:  Presidency:  How long should a president be in office?  How should the president be elected?  How much power should the president have?  Ratification:  Framers (delegates) decided 9 of 13 states had to ratify the new Constitution CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

10  Independence Hall- Declaration of Independence, Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention, & the Constitution

11  Ratification was debated for nearly a year  Supporters (Federalists) wanted a strong central government  Federalist Papers- series of essays written by Madison, Hamilton, & Jay to persuade states to ratify the Constitution  Opponents (Anti-Federalists) wanted a weak central government  First to ratify: Delaware  Last to ratify: Rhode Island FEDERALISTS V. ANTI-FEDERALISTS

12  Analyze and evaluate the differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists  How would you rank the differences according to their influence in the success of the Federalists? Why? EVALUATE DIFFERENCES


14  What did Federalists promise to add to the Constitution in order for states to ratify the document?  THE BILL OF RIGHTS! FEDERALISTS V. ANTI-FEDERALISTS

15  With your partner, review and discuss your responses to the discussion questions based on the Republican Motherhood ideology, using personal letters between John and Abigail Adams. REPUBLICAN MOTHERHOOD

16  In 1787, James Madison wrote, “Great as the evil [of slavery] is, a dismemberment of the union would be worse.”  If you were living in 18th century America, would you have agreed? Explain.  When is it appropriate for a democracy to use undemocratic means? WRAP UP

17 SWBAT: Analyze the Bill of Rights to determine how individual rights and the Federal Government were effected BILL OF RIGHTS ANALYSIS

18  Why was Madison concerned when Virginia and New York had not ratified the Constitution?  First 10 Amendments to the Constitution = The Bill of Rights  Argument For: Add rights to individuals to protect against a tyrannical government  Argument Against: People should assume all rights were protected since Congress members were voted for by the people BILL OF RIGHTS

19  After reading and annotating the Bill of Rights complete the questions below: 1.How did the Bill of Rights affect American values, individual rights, and national identity? 2.Explain the effect of the Bill of Rights on the Federal Government. 3.What amendment do you feel is most important to citizens today? Why? DOCUMENT ANALYSIS

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