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 Political Developments  The Rise of Christianity  Education and Culture  Social History.

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Presentation on theme: " Political Developments  The Rise of Christianity  Education and Culture  Social History."— Presentation transcript:

1  Political Developments  The Rise of Christianity  Education and Culture  Social History

2 Political Developments 3rd c. Roman Empire encountering difficulties 284-305 Reign of Diocletian 306-37 Reign of Constantine Constantinople

3 Political Developments 3rd c. Start of barbarian invasions of Roman Empire 410 Visigoths sack Rome 455 Vandals sack Rome 475-76 Reign of Romulus Augustulus as last western Roman emperor

4 MerovingiansCarolingians Charlemagne (r. 768-814) Capetians Holy Roman Empire Feudal System Political Developments

5 Rise of Christianity 303 Last great persecution of Christians under Diocletian 306-37 Reign of Constantine 379-95 Reign of Theodosius I Church Fathers: St Ambrose (c. 339-97), St Jerome (c. 342-420), St Augustine of Hippo (354-430) 590-604 Pontificate of Gregory I (the Great)

6 Pope Archbishops Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria Bishops Priests Deacons Subdeacons, Lectors, Acolytes, Doorkeepers, Exorcists, etc. Secular clergy (saeculum) Rise of Christianity

7 Holy Rule of St Benedict of Nursia (c. 450-543) Regular clergy (regula) Involvement of church in individual’s life Rise of Christianity

8 Other issues: Relations of church and state Corrupt nature of papacy in 10th c., with attempts by German emperors to sort this out Simony Clerical marriage

9 Rise of Christianity Other issues: Monastic reform movement in 10th c. led by Cluny Millennial expectations

10 Education and Culture Mostly under church auspices Latin and non-Latin works Various genres of writing Various forms of art, incl. manuscript illuminations, architectural decoration

11 Charlemagne (r. 768-814) Louis the Pious (r. 814-40) Alcuin of York (c. 735-804) The Venerable Bede (672/73-735) Ecclesiastical History of the English People Education and Culture

12 manorial/seignorial system 9th-11th c. peasants becoming serfs in exchange for protection Social History

13 10th-11th c. Growth of towns End 11th c. Towns obtaining privileges from lords in exchange for rents Women: position in mediaeval society? Social History

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