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 A lot of benefits linked to independent learning skills, creativity and a more solid understanding of the objectives  The old system led to a lot of.

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2  A lot of benefits linked to independent learning skills, creativity and a more solid understanding of the objectives  The old system led to a lot of complaints from parents and children

3  Real life context  Parent/child discussions and understanding of what is being taught at school  Opportunity for regular key skills practice  Flexible  Whole school system

4  Talk about the objectives  Decide: Order a mixed set of decimal numbers with up to three decimal places  Discuss where we see decimal numbers in everyday life

5  Take a section of a supermarket receipt and order the prices from high to low  Record the mileage for each journey during the week/weekend by resetting milometer in the car then order from nearest to home to furthest  Measure each piece of furniture in a room/every item in a pencil case etc. and list in order  Convert your family members ages into decimal numbers and order

6  They will make it right for them  Link to real situations  Far more possibilities than worksheets

7  Yes!  It is the child’s interpretation of the learning objective  Write discussions down  2 lots of 20 minutes  It’s all about the process  The work doesn’t have to be recorded in the learning log

8  Evenings can be busy – use journeys to discuss objectives and plan the page  It always comes home on the same day  It is only 40 minutes  Learning log club

9  We are monitoring  You can monitor  No subject is a soft option

10  We expect parents to spend 40 minutes a week supporting your child’s education  The children are not expected to come up with all the ideas alone  The discussions are critical  Whole school system  Sheet of ideas  Parents enthusiasm plays a key role  Learning log club

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