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The Beginning of WWII 1.Blitzkreig 2.War Breaks Out 3.Fall of Western Europe 4.Battle for Britain 5.Germany Invades Eastern Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Beginning of WWII 1.Blitzkreig 2.War Breaks Out 3.Fall of Western Europe 4.Battle for Britain 5.Germany Invades Eastern Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Beginning of WWII 1.Blitzkreig 2.War Breaks Out 3.Fall of Western Europe 4.Battle for Britain 5.Germany Invades Eastern Europe

2 Quiz: Number 1-7 1.What does Blitzkrieg stand for? 2.Who used the technique? 3.War Breaks Out: Where does Germany invade? 4.Western Europe: Name two countries Germany takes over 5.Great Britain: What city was the focus of the bombs 6.Eastern Europe: What country does Germany work with? 7.Eastern Europe: What countries does it take over?

3 Blitzkrieg Lightning War German military technique Used throughout WWII to overcome enemy armies Goal: to break the army into small pieces and cut them off from main group

4 War Breaks Out (Sept. 2-27 1939) Who? What? Where? How? Why? –Nazi Germany, Poland –“Operation Canned Goods” –Germany invades Poland with ease –Warsaw, Poland –Blitzkrieg= Lightning war (Bombs, tanks, troops) –Contempt for Polish, land/strength uleId=10005070&MediaId=826

5 The Fall of Western Europe (April 9-June 14 1940) Who? What? Where? How? Why? –Nazi Germany, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, France –Germany invades Western Europe and eventually takes Paris – Winston Churchill is named Prime Minister G.B. –Blitzkrieg is key to success –Goal= Take Paris

6 The Battle for Britain (July 10 1940-May 1941) Who? What? Where? How? Why? –Germany (Luftwaffe), Britain (RAF) –Germany attacks British ships in English Channel –London, Berlin focus of attacks –Bombed nightly in London –Radar and Better Planes in Great Britain –Hitler’s final defeated




10 Germany Invades Eastern Europe (Sept. 1940-June 1941) Who? What? Where? How? Why? –Germany, Italy, Britain –Italy is going to invade British controlled Egypt but runs out of fuel at the border –Libya, Yugoslavia, Greece –Germany helps Italy take Libya, Yugoslavia, and Greece –Beginning of the invasion of Russia – bin/slideviewer.cgi?list=greece.slides&dir=&config=&r efresh=&slide=1&cycle=off&scale=0&design=default &total=14 bin/slideviewer.cgi?list=greece.slides&dir=&config=&r efresh=&slide=1&cycle=off&scale=0&design=default &total=14

11 Map 1.Color Axis powers 2.Color Allied Powers 3.Label/Mark the Countries that Hitler took over Poland France Norway Belguim Italy Denmark Holland Greece

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