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12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster A Concept for Using the Digital Damper Board to Upgrade the Booster LLRF Bill Foster June 12, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster A Concept for Using the Digital Damper Board to Upgrade the Booster LLRF Bill Foster June 12, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster A Concept for Using the Digital Damper Board to Upgrade the Booster LLRF Bill Foster June 12, 2003

2 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Talk Outline Motivation System Concept Options for Clock Domains Digital Phase Detector & PLL Radial Position Signal Notching & Multi-Batch Sync. 12 Step Plan

3 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster MOTIVATION Booster Low-Level RF. The Final Frontier.

4 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Booster Low-Level RF

5 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Ya Got Trouble : --Professor Harold Hill in “The Music Man” “Well, either you're closing your eyes To a situation you do not wish to acknowledge Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated By the presence of a pool table in your community. Booster LLRF in your accelerator. Ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say, trouble right here in River City…...that’s Trouble with a capital T that rhymes with B…” If something breaks…

6 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster SHIRLEY JONES AT ~25 Shirley Jones hit her prime in the 1960’s …much like the Booster.

7 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Shirley Jones in “The Partridge Family” mother of David & Shaun Cassidy Married to Jack Cassidy

8 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Booster LLRF External Connections ~5 Inputs: 1.Wall-Current Monitor (Phase) 2.Transverse Pickup (RPOS) (BNL Uses two…) 3.Start Pulse (TCLK) 4.BDOT (Low bandwidth… replace w/lookup?) 5.MI AA Marker (Phase lock & notch cogging) Two Outputs: Cavity A&B Drives (Optional?) Beam Clock Output

9 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster 2. RPOS 3. TCLK 1. WCM 5. MI RF 4. BDOT A&B DRIVE OUT  Notching and Cogging

10 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Generic Hardware Concept for Accelerator Instrumentation & Control Monster FPGA 53 MHz, TCLK, MDAT,... Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC Cables from Tunnel Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC.................. FAST DAC CPU Bus VME/ VXI/ PCI/ PMC etc. INPUTS: BPM Stripline Pickup Resistive Wall Flying Wire PMT RF Fanback Kicker Monitor …etc. OUTPUTS: Stripline Kicker RF Fanout Analog Monitor …etc...OR.. NIM With Ethernet or FireWire

11 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Damper With Frequency Sweep FIFO needed due to phase shifts between DAC and ADC clocks as beam accelerates All Logic Inside FPGA

12 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster 53 MHz, TCLK, MDAT,... All-Coordinate Digital Damper Monster FPGA(s) Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC Stripline Pickup Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC 14 VME 106 / 212 MHz Stripline Kicker Power Amp Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC Resistive Wall Monitor Broadband Cavity FAST DACs > 27 MHz FAST DACs Power Amp Transverse Dampers Identical X & Y Longi- tudinal (Z) Damper 2-10

13 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster TCLK, 53 MHz, MI AA, MDAT,... Digital Booster LLRF Concept Monster FPGA DDS Beam Synched Clock 160-212 MHz (4x Booster RF) Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC Wall Current Monitor (PHASE) FAST DAC 12 ETHERNET Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC BPM Minimal Analog Filter FAST ADC 12 RPOS [crystal]  400 MHz FAST DAC “A” Drive FAST DAC “B” Drive 12

14 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Echotek Card Used for Initial Dampers 105 MSPS AD6645 Echotek Board Originally Built to SLAC Design Specification 65MHz DDC version to be used for RR BPM upgrade 105 MHz version (with DAC “daughter card”) used for Dampers  212 MHz DAC Daughter Card (S. Hansen/ PPD)

15 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Butchering the Echotek Board Scorched-Earth FPGA rewrite (GWF) –~65 pages of firmware since Jan ‘03 212 MHz DAC “Daughtercard” –Sten Hansen & T. Wesson (PPD) –3 channels for X,Y,Z 212 MHz Output FIR (W. Schappert, RFI) –Pre-emphasis compensation for analog outputs –Prototype for 424 MHz output on final board Input Buffer Amp/Splitter Box (Brian Fellenz,RFI)

16 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

17 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

18 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster New Damper Board (A. Seminov) SINGLE high-end FPGA (Altera Stratix EP1S25F672) Four 212 MHz, 12-Bit ADCs (AD 9430) (With AD8369 VGA controlled by FPGA on input) Four 424 MHz, 14-Bit DACs (TI DAC5675) Digital Inputs: – TCLK, MDAT, BSYNCH, 53 MHz, Marker Pulse Digital Outputs: –TTL, scope trigger, 1 GHz serial Links, firewire.. Megabytes of Fast Memory (FIFOs & DSP RAM) “NIM module” with Ethernet interface to ACNET

19 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

20 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster This ADC can sample 53 MHz signals at 4 samples per RF cycle to measure both In-Phase and Quadrature on each cycle

21 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Digital Gain Control via FPGA  Change gains “on the fly” or cycle-by-cycle

22 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

23 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

24 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

25 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Clock Domain Option #1: (being pursued at BNL – PAC’03) Single crystal ~212 MHz clocks everything. Fixed Frequency ADCs & DACs, No Explicit PLLs Asynchronous to Beam Classical Digital Receiver for Phase Detector Classical Direct Digital Synthesis of RF Outputs Concerns: - funny behavior as frequency sweeps? - lots of clock boundary crossings - approach does not naturally provide beam clock - bunch-by-bunch phase measurement difficult

26 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster BNL Switching from Digital Reciever Chip To FPGA Firmware Implementation BNL PAC’03

27 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster BNL PAC’03

28 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster BNL PAC’03

29 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster BNL PAC’03

30 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Clock Domain Option #2: (preferred) 1.Use one DAC Channel for Crystal-Controlled DDS of Beam-Synched RF Clock (38-53MHz) 2.The rest of circuit operates from this RF clock Variable Frequency ADCs & DACs Synchronous to Beam Simple Implementation of Phase Detector & RF out naturally provides beam clock Few clock boundary crossings, simpler pipeline logic Concerns: - Tracking of PLLs on FPGA, ADCs, & DACs

31 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Q: What ADC Clock Speed is needed? A: 4x RF Bunch Frequency Minimum needed for bunch-by-bunch Phase and Amplitude measurement In frequency domain, 4x RF sampling measures both in-phase and quadrature components. For Fermilab’s 53 MHz RF  212 MHz ADC’s

32 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster 212 MHz Sampling of RWM Pulse Low-pass Filter Spreads signal +/-5ns in time so it will not be missed by ADC Filter Reduces ADC Dynamic Range requirement, since spike does not have to be digitized

33 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Longitudinal Beam Instability in MI Driven by cavity wake fields within bunch train Seeded by Booster & amplified near MI flat top. First Bunch ~ OK 7th Bunch Trashed Occurs with as few as 7 bunches (out of 588) Prevents low emittance bunch coalescing and efficient Pbar bunch rotation

34 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Bunch-By-Bunch Phase vs. Turn Number Measured with MI Digital Damper LLRF will Feed Back on Digital average of 84 Bunches Damper Output derived from individual bunch phase errors

35 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Bunch-By-Bunch Intensity

36 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Radial Position (RPOS) 1.Use existing detector (RF Module) Requires special RF clock out? Low Digitization Bandwidth Required 2.Digitize BPM plates directly to get signal More general approach Less hardware Choose which bunch(es) to feed back on Gives a bunch-by-bunch signal for damper & diagnostics

37 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster 212 MHz Sampling of Stripline Signal Roles of “Phase” and “Amplitude” signals are reversed from unipolar case.

38 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Repetitive Waveform looks like simple sine wave, but contains bunch-by-bunch phase and amplitude “A - B” gives bunch-by-bunch “in-phase” signal Vector Sum sqrt(I**2 +Q**2) is insensitive to clock jitter “D - (C+E)/2” gives bunch-by-bunch “out-of-phase” or “quadrature” signal

39 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster MAIN INJECTOR VERTICAL BPM (8 Bits) DIGITAL DAMPER POSITION SIGNAL (Batch Average) 1mm

40 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Single-Bunch BPM Measurement was tested by blowing out nearby bunches during Stacking Cycle

41 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster MAIN INJECTOR VERTICAL BPM (8 Bits) DIGITAL DAMPER POSITION FOR SINGLE 53 MHz BUNCH SINGLE-TURN (non-averaged) 1mm BPM Resolution for 212 MHz Digitization of Single 53 MHz Bunch

42 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Bunch-By-Bunch Control RAM (in FPGA Firmware) Bunch-by-bunch Damping Gain Damping or Anti-Damping Pinger with Programmable Tune, Timing… Digital Random Noise Injected Into any Bunch

43 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Filter for Undamped, Damped, and Anti-Damped Bunches

44 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Blowing Selected Bunches out of the Machine (in X,Y, or both)  Neutrino Communications! …1110111001110001111…

45 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster ACNET CONTROLS LLRF can behave differently on different cycles –Each control register becomes an ACNET Array Device indexed by MI State –Register contents switch automatically when MI State changes (D. Nicklaus)

46 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster ACNET Control Devices (>250 total) Master control registers & diagnostics are typically single devices Configuration control registers are array devices indexed by MI State

47 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster Adding a new ACNET Device  Takes about 10 minutes from concept to Fast-Time Plot 1) Add register(s) to FPGA Firmware 2) Start Recompile (takes ~6 minutes) 3) Meanwhile, use DABBEL/D80 to define properties of new ACNET device 4) Download Firmware & Reboot Crate (~2 min.)

48 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster So, What Problems are You Trying to Solve with this? Reliability & Maintainability Spares (incl. Hot spare for Experiments) Cycle-By-Cycle Programmability Notching & MI Synchronization Digital Reproducibility “Virtual Oscilloscope” on all signals Documentation Office Space!

49 12-June-03Concept for Booster LLRF - G. W. Foster

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