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JEOPARDY Severe Weather and Erosion. Hurricane Tornado Weathering Erosion Severe Weather 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY Severe Weather and Erosion. Hurricane Tornado Weathering Erosion Severe Weather 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY Severe Weather and Erosion

2 Hurricane Tornado Weathering Erosion Severe Weather 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

3 Category 1 100 What temperature does water need to be in order for a hurricane to form?

4 Category 1 100 80°F or warmer

5 Category 1 200 Where do hurricanes typically form?

6 Category 1 200 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator.

7 Category 1 300 What is the hurricane season for the Atlantic Ocean?

8 Category 1 300 from June 1 to November 30.

9 Category 1 400 What is the minimum wind speed for a hurricane?

10 Category 1 400 74 mph or 120km/h

11 Category 1 500 How are hurricanes categorized?

12 Category 1 500 By wind speed

13 Category 2 100 How are tornadoes categorized?

14 Category 2 100 By damage caused

15 Category 2 200 What should you do if a tornado occurs during school?

16 Category 2 200 Crouch down on your knees and protect your head with your arms.

17 Category 2 300 How many categories of tornadoes are there?

18 Category 2 300 6

19 Category 2 400 an electronic instrument, which determines the direction and distance of objects that reflect radio energy back

20 Category 2 400 radar

21 Category 2 500 The change in the frequency of sound

22 Category 2 500 Doppler effect

23 Category 3 100 the process that breaks down rocks into smaller and smaller fragments.

24 Category 3 100 weathering

25 Category 3 200 List two types of mechanical weathering

26 Category 3 200 Plants Ice wedging

27 Category 3 300 List two types of chemical weathering

28 Category 3 300 Oxidation Carbonic acid Water Plant acids

29 Category 3 400 What factors affect soil formation?

30 Category 3 400 Time Climate Parent rock Topography Organisms

31 Category 3 500 Which type of weathering occurs most often in warm, wet climates?

32 Category 3 500 –Chemical weathering

33 Category 4 100 –erosion of land by wind

34 Category 4 100 deflation

35 Category 4 200 –What is the name of the hurricane scale?

36 Category 4 200 Saffir-simpson

37 Category 4 300 Mass movement is when gravity pulls rock or sediment down slopes. List and explain two types of mass movement

38 Category 4 300 Slump –when loose materials or rock layers slip down a slope leaving a curved scar. Creep – the way sediments slowly inch their way down a hill. Rock Slides – layers of rock break loose from slopes and slide to the bottom. Mudflows – wet sediment flows downhill over the ground surface.

39 Category 4 400 –forms pits in rocks or polishes surfaces smooth as sediments are blown by strong winds

40 Category 4 400 abrasion

41 List two types of acids that affect chemical weathering Category 4 500

42 Carbonic acid Tannic acid Category 4 500

43 Category 5 100 List one way that wildfires can be put out

44 Category 5 100 Hot shots Sky jello Pulaski

45 Category 5 200 occurs when waters rise rapidly with no warning within several hours of an intense rain. Is the number one weather-related killer? Most deaths are auto-related

46 Category 5 200 Flash floods

47 Category 5 300 measures the changes in the frequency of the signal it receives to determine the wind.

48 Category 5 300 Doppler radar

49 Category 5 400 are hot, dry winds that aggravate the fire danger in forests and bush lands.

50 Category 5 400 Santa Ana Winds

51 Category 5 500 How many fires are caused by people?

52 Category 5 500 more than four out of every five wildfires are caused by people.

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