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Nazi Foreign Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Nazi Foreign Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nazi Foreign Policy

2 Nazi Foreign Policy Goals
Restore Germany’s greatness Eliminate or displace ‘weaker’ races End the Treaty of Versailles Lebensraum – ‘living space’

3 Lebensraum – p. 54 What is the Nazis’ foreign-policy goal, as expressed here? Why does Hitler think the German people deserve Lebensraum? How will Germany acquire Lebensraum?


5 Four steps to expansion:
Rhineland Austria Sudetenland Poland

6 Rhineland Demilitarized Seized by France after WWI
March 1, 1936: German troops enter the Rhineland France offers no resistance

7 Austria ToV banned reunification Large German population Nazi sabotage
March 1938: Anschluss – “union”

8 Sudetenland Munich Conference – September 1938
Britain, France, Germany, Italy agree to German demands for land Hitler promises not to demand any more territory Annexed October 1

9 Why would Britain and France give in?
Bonus: Why might this be a bad idea?

10 Appeasement 1937-1939 Britain and France gave into Hitler’s demands
Why? Avoided war Gave Britain and France time to rebuild their militaries Wanted Germany as a counterweight to the USSR Assumed that Hitler was rational and would stop when his demands were satisfied


12 The End of Appeasement March 1939: Germany invades the rest of Czechoslovakia – breaks the Munich Agreement Britain and France realize that Hitler can’t be trusted March 31: Britain agrees to defend Poland if it’s invaded Britain initiates a draft

13 Poland August 1939: Nazi-Soviet Pact announced
September 1, 1939: Hitler invades Poland; USSR invades from the east Britain and France declare war on Germany World War II begins

14 What do you remember about the progress of WWII?

15 WWII in Europe: A Review
German tactic: blitzkrieg May 1940: Germany invades France June 1940: Fall of France Summer + fall 1940: Battle of Britain June 1941: Operation Barbarossa – Germany invades USSR

16 Was invading the USSR a good idea?

17 Pink areas = German gains in first two months of fighting
150,000 Soviet casualties in the first week of the war

18 Occupying the USSR Brutal treatment of POWs
Einsatzgruppen targeted Jews + Communists Forced labor Widespread starvation

19 Turning Points USSR organizes resistance
Germans move past supply lines Soviets call up reserves Allies aid USSR Winter


21 “General Mud”

22 Germans were unprepared for winter
Hitler believed the war would be over by winter – no winter uniforms were issued Germans were unprepared for winter

23 The difficulty of supply
Roads/infrastructure The difficulty of supply

24 The Battle of Stalingrad
August 1942-February 1943 Turning point of WWII on the Eastern Front Germans retreated after losing at Stalingrad 2 million casualties

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