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Greek & Latin Roots of the Week HS Reading: First Nine Weeks.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek & Latin Roots of the Week HS Reading: First Nine Weeks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek & Latin Roots of the Week HS Reading: First Nine Weeks

2 Week 1: sect = cut 1.bisect (v): to cut into two pieces 2.dissect (v): to cut apart for the purpose of investigation 3.insect (n): a class of small arthropod animals with three separate sections to their bodies (head, thorax, & abdomen) 4.intersection (n): the point at which two lines or roads meet and cut across each other 5.sector (n): a separate part of a society, group, or area 6.transect (v) to cut across something) 7.vivisection (n): surgery on living animals for medical research

3 Week 2: ject = throw 1.dejected (adj): to feel sad; to feel thrown down in spirit 2.eject (v): to throw something out (literally) 3.injection (n): a shot; throwing medicine into body via a needle 4.jettison (v): to throw items overboard on a ship or airplane, to lighten the load 5.interjection (n): a word thrown into a sentence or conversation 6.trajectory (n): the curved path an object takes when it is thrown 7.subject (v): to be thrown under someone else’s rule

4 Week 3: graph = writing/drawing 1.autobiography (n): a nonfiction book where a person writes about their own life 2.biography (n): a nonfiction book where an author writes about another person’s life 3.bibliography (n): a list of all the books and resources cited in a research project 4.cartography: (n) mapmaking 5.paragraph (n): a section of an essay that has a topic sentence and concluding sentence 6.phonograph (n): a record player; a device that turns the etching on a record into sound 7.seismograph (n): a device that records the movements of the earth

5 Week 4: rupt = break 1.abrupt (adj): short; broken off before expected 2.bankrupt (adj): out of money; financially ruined 3.corrupt (adj): evil; dishonest; describes someone who has broken away from what is right 4.disrupt (v): to cause confusion; to break up a situation 5.erupt (v): to explode; to break out with force 6.interrupt (v): to break into someone’s conversation 7.rupture (v): to burst (usually a body part)

6 Week 5: stru, struct = build 1.construct (v): to build, to create 2.destruct (v): to take apart; to destroy 3.infrastructure (n): the basic framework upon which something else is built 4.instruct (v): to teach; to build someone else’s knowledge 5.obstruct (v): to get in the way; to block something from being built 6.misconstrue (v): to misunderstand something; to create the wrong meaning from facts 7.instrument (n): a tool; an object built for a specific purpose

7 Week 6: socio = friend, companion (adj): friendly; able to get along well with others 2.prosocial (adj): describes behavior that is positive, helpful, and intended to promote social acceptance and friendship. 3.antisocial (adj): describes behavior that is unhelpful, harmful to other people, and not accepted by a group 4.society (n): people living together in a community 5.associate (n): a coworker or acquaintance 6.disassociate (v): to break ties with a person/group; to end a friendship or relationship 7.sociology (n): the study of societies and groups

8 Week 7: phon= sound 1.phonics (n): the sounds that letters and groups of letters make 2.telephone (n): a machine that carries sound over long distances 3.microphone (n): a machine that makes a small sound larger 4.megaphone (n): a funnel-shaped device that makes your voice sound louder 5.cacophony (n): harsh, bad, unpleasant sounds 6.euphony (n): pretty, pleasant, beautiful sounds 7.dysphonia (n): the inability to vocalize (usually due to a sore throat)

9 Week 8: ped, pod= foot 1.pedal (n): a lever moved by your foot 2.biped (n): an animal that walks on two feet 3.quadriped (n): an animal that walks on four feet 4.impediment (n): something that stands in one’s way; an obstacle 5.peddle (v): to sell something (like a door-to-door salesman) 6.podiatrist (n): a doctor who treats diseases of the feet 7.arthropod (n): a type of animal that has jointed feet

10 Week 9: spec= see, look 1.inspect(v): to look at something carefully 2.circumspect (v): cautious; careful to look at all the possibilities/consequences before making a decision or action 3.introspection (n): looking into one’s own thoughts and feelings 4.perspective (n): point of view; a way of looking at things 5.respect (v): to look up to someone; to honor someone 6.retrospective (adj): looking back at the past 7.spectator (n): someone who watches something

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