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Ethnography on and in Software Engineering

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1 Ethnography on and in Software Engineering

2 Practical Reflections
© deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp 2

3 Roadmap History Action Research in IS Cooperative Method Development
© deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

4 Empirical Research - qualitative or quantitative - aims at understanding BUT Software Engineering aims doing things better © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

5 Software process evolution at the SEL
Do small scale experiments first. Do bigger scale experiments in a more realistic environment. Try to implement it in practice. © Basili, V. Greeen, S. (1994). Software Process Evolution at the SEL. IEEE Software, See also: V. R. Basili, G. Caldieri, H.D. Rombach, “Experience Factory”, Encyclopedia of Software Engineering Vol.2 Editor J. Marciniak, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1994, pp © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

6 Action Research The research needed for social practice can best be characterized as research for social management or so-cial engineering. It is a type of action-research, a compar-ative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action, and research leading to social action. Research that produces nothing but books will not suffice. © K. Lewin, "Frontiers in Group Dynamics," Human Relations 1947 (1) 2, pp © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

7 Kurt Lewin’s approach and ‘participatory action research’
The first step then is to examine the idea carefully in the light of the means available. Frequently more fact-finding about the situation is required. If this first period of planning is successful, two items emerge: namely, “an overall plan” of how to reach the objective and secondly, a decision in regard to the first step of action. Usually this planning has also somewhat modified the original idea. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

8 Participatory Action Research
The participants are part of the (self-)reflective enquiry. Interventions and changes are designed together with the participants. “Action research is not a ‘method’ or a ‘procedure’ for research but a series of commitments to observe and problematise through practice a series of principles for conducting social enquiry.” © McTaggart, R. (1996). Issues for participatory action researchers. In O. Zuber-Skerritt (ed.),New Directions in Action Research © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

9 Checkland’s Action Research Cycle
© Checkland P, Holwell S (1998) Action research: its nature and validity. Syst Pract Action Res 11:9-21 © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

10 © Checkland P, Holwell S (1998) Action research: its nature and validity. Syst Pract Action Res 11:9-21 © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

11 Action Research in and on Software Engineering
First experiences: We entered the organisation as software engineers. The practitioners expected recommendations! It became important to whom we reported. We had to answer for our action, even as we only observed. (Suchman, L, “Making Work Visible” Comm. Of the ACM 38, 9, 56-64) Who are our members/partners, and what do we base our recommendations on? Solution: Making the own role explicit! © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

12 Helen’s Practical Considerations
Sifting the important from the irrelevant In some senses nothing is irrelevant, but need to focus Have a set of questions or themes to focus on Refine focus as you go through. Avoiding judgment Non-judgmental, treat everything as ‘strange’. Treat the collaborator as the expert. Maintaining this perspective is not easy. What am I doing here? It is impossible to suspend who you are, your training, your experiences and your expectations. Be aware of them and question your interpretations Easy to feel uncertain of what you are looking for. Communicating our findings Our collaborators had expected us to be judgmental and comparative. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

13 Finding a Path between Understanding, Intervention and Method development
We cannot study Software Engineering as software engineering researchers in the same way as social scientists can. We will be part of the internal and external politics of ‘how should software be developed’. That means that our choices regarding perspective, cooperation, and improvement will decide on what we are allowed to see. Methodological decisions and ethical considerations and decisions influence each other. (But that is probably not new…) © Dittrich Y (2002) Doing empirical research in software engineering-finding a path between understanding, intervention and method development. In: Dittrich Y et al. (eds.) Social thinking-software practice. MIT Press, © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

14 Lars Mathiassen’s Reflective Systems Development
‘But when designing and organising research projects based on collaboration with practitioners the challenge is not so much which methods to choose. Rather it is to find practical ways to combine qualitatively different research approaches to support the diverse, and partly contradictory goals involved in such an effort.’ ©Mathiassen L (1998) Reflective systems development. Scand J Inf Sys 10(1 and 2):67-118 © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

15 Reflective Action Research…
… focuses on the relation between research and practice. … provides a rather loose framework for empirical research that is addressing improvement of the same practice it is evaluating. … gives a good overview over different ‘research interests’ and how they relate to the overall framework. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

16 Cooperative Method Development
© Y. Dittrich et al. Co-operative Method Development - Combining qualitative empirical research with method, technique and process improvement. Journal for Empirical Software Engineering. 13 (2008), Action research consisting: Understanding Deliberating Change Implementing and Evaluating Improvements Ethnomethodological and Ethnographical Inspired fieldwork. Focusing on Shop Floor Software Development Practices. Taking the Practitioners Perspective when improving the practice. Deliberating change with the Practitioners involved. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

17 Case I: Design for Change together with the IT unit of a Telecom provider
participants: a telecommunication provider, a small software developer and the university . case: a business application to administrate contracts and compute payments based on the contracts and triggered by certain events. context: rapidly changing business practices require a flexible adaptable system. methods and tools: a flexible meta-modelling database system allowing to manipulate the data model during operation. main results: applicability of technical solution depends not only on the functional specification but also on use context, development context, and technical context of the application. How use-oriented development can take place © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

18 CMD applied Phase 1: Understanding Practice
investigating understand the problems with the old system participatory observation of the project Phase 2: Deliberating change workshops about software flexibility, to evaluate different solutions, about how the co-operation between developers and users actually took place building prototypes to demonstrate possible solutions Phase 3: Implementing and Evaluating Improvements participating in the project. design evaluation © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

19 Case I: Method lessons learned
Technical possibilities were confronted with real world requirements. Contextual influences on the selection of technology became visible. (Guidelines 3 and 4) Prototypes and thus Design played a major role in the research process. (Guideline 1 and 5) We experimented with mapping technologies to visualise de facto development processes. (Guideline 2) © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

20 Case II: End-User Tailoring together with the same IT unit
participants: the same telecommunication provider as previously and the university . case: End User Tailoring of IT-Infrastructure context: adaptable business applications require a flexible communication with other databases. methods and tools: Metamodelling techniques. main results: End-Users can be enabled to tailor infrastructures when provided with a well designed application To provide for long term sustainability of tailorable system, EU tailoring has to be interlaced with software evolution. Cooperation between users, tailors and developers is important. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

21 CMD applied Phase 1: Understanding Practice
Observing domain experts preparing data input for the contract handler Phase 2: Deliberating change Discussing the design of a prototype Implementing a case based prototype Evaluating the prototype as a case based prototype Phase 3: Implementing and Evaluating Improvements Observing the development project that implemented aspects of the prototype as part of a revision of the contract handler. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

22 Case II: Method lessons learned
We used Design Research as a complementary framework as technical innovation was involved. (Guideline 1) We included users in the observation and deliberation, as they were tightly cooperating with the developers. (Guideline 3 and 4) © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

23 Case III: Agile Development for e-Government
This is about 2 similar projects participants: 2 small SE companies, one developing a booking system for sports places, one developing custom application supporting web based communication for municipalities and citizens, several municipalities, researchers from software engineering, human work science, telecommunication case: development to support municipal agency (e-Government) context: designing e-government application involves designing municipal services as well as designing the tools to support them methods and tools: main results: Agile development useful to cope with continuous change and experimental application domains. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

24 CMD applied Phase 1: Understanding Practice
Observing the development in 2 small se companies, Phase 2: Deliberating change Both companies were happy with their exisiting development practices. Phase 3: Implementing and Evaluating Improvements No improvements were implemented © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

25 Case III: Method lessons learned
The empirical studies helped us to understand why the development was sustainable. (Guideline 2) As the participants were satisfied with todays practices, we did not implement any changes. (Guideline 3 and 4) We continued the research on the observed agile development practices with an interview based study, experimenting with complementary methods exploring genralisability of results. (Guideline 2) © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

26 Case IV: Interaction Design for UI framework development for mobile devices
participants: the Interaction Design group of UIQ developing a GUI framework for mobile applications based on the Symbian OS, researchers from software engineering case: lacking communication between, Interaction Designers and software engineers context: simultaneous development of customer specific applications and a complex UI framework methods and tools: Personas, representations of archetypical users. main results: The organisation of the business domain influenced the applicability of methods. The problems the method introduction should have addressed were solved by the introduction of a new interaction paradigm, reorganisation, and an attitude change. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

27 CMD applied Phase 1a: Understanding Practice
Participatory observation of interaction design group Interviews with other actors in the development process Phase 2a: Deliberating change Summarising research on Personas Workshops on the Personas method organised together with the Interaction Design group for different actors in the company ’Qualitative experiments’ with student projects. Phase 3a: Implementing and Evaluating Improvements No implementation took place, the reasons were elicitated through interviews Phase 1b: Understanding Practice New empirical study on the communication problems. They did not exist any more. The developments leading to this situation were documented. No change needed © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

28 Case IV: Method lessons learned
Ethnography had been an adequate instrument to understand the influence on socio-political factors and method implementation. (Guideline 2) We complemented the deliberation of improvements with ‘qualitative experiments’ using student projects (Guideline 5) Cooperative writing as a form of ‘member checking’ (Guideline 2) © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

29 Summing up: CMD revisited
Action research can be complemented with Design Research, either as supporting the deliberation phase, or as a additional support to guide deliberation and implementation & evaluation. Complementing with techniques that make software development visible. Co-authoring as an alternative method for member checking. Focus on shop floor development practice rendered contextual influences visible. Taking practitioner’s point of vies countered research bias. Supporting the deliberation of rather expensive changes with other emprical methods, e.g. with ‘Qualitative Experiments’. © deSouza, Dittrich, Sharp

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